Not to put too fine a point of the subject of cold weather flying, but wind chill is not the same as temperature. In the case of wind on a cold day, heat is transferred from your body to the air around you. A thin layer of air (boundary layer) around you body forms which is warmed by the transfer of heat from your body. This layer of air has a smaller difference in temperature with your body than the bulk of the air and slows the rate of heat transfer. When it windy the air is rapidly removed and replaced with the bulk, shrinking the boundary layer and increasing the temperature difference between your body and the air, and therefore the rate of heat transfer.
For instance, water will not freeze is the wind chill is say 30 deg F and the actual temperature is 35 deg F it will just come to the same temperature of the air faster. Nothing will actually get to the wind chill temperature, because nothing actually is the wind chill temperature. It is merely the temperature that would yield equivalent heat transfer with your body as the actual temperature with the wind. Therefore only living things experience wind chill, inanimate objects like drones only see temperature.