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Flying in "No Drone Zones"


New Member
May 8, 2023
Perry GA
Wanted to pick everyone's brain about this. So for starters, I'm a 107 pilot and have been for several years, so I know the rules when it comes to FAA rules superceding state and local rules and signs.

Our annual fair is in town, one of the largest in the country, and I'm planning to fly out there at some point. There have anyways been No Drones Allowed signage posted around the property, even though we're in Class E airspace with no restrictions. This is a state owned property, so I do take it a little more seriously than if it were a just a local law.

Problem is that I'm a classic rule follower and hate confrontation. With the size of this fair, there is law enforcement everywhere that I'm sure don't understand FAA regulations and Part 107, so I really just don't want to deal with that. Obviously I'm flying from off property, and not directly over where all the action is, so I don't anticipate any issues.

But does anyone have any thoughts? I mostly fly in more remote areas and do landscape photography, so just trying to avoid any issues
It seems you have answered your own question (not wanting to deal with potential confrontation), but to move forward you also need to consider flight over people, and traffic. For local jurisdictions you may not face flight violations, but misdemeanor offensives (malicious mischief), catch all crime when nothing else covers it.
Don't FAA rules stipulates that flying over crowds is verbotten ?
Such a flight was discussed in a recent thread and I think it was said that the only exception to this was when the drone was fitted with various safety features, one? of which was a parachute.
I agree with @Recoveryone. You need to ask yourself if its worth it. However, if you decide to proceed, just make sure you have all your documentation on hand.
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You're like me, you follow the rules and you do your best not to break them and you, for sure, want to avoid any unwelcome confrontations. Which is why I like to have everything sorted *beforehand* so we don't have to deal with discretion and "no one really cares" and "you'll be fine as long as...." scenarios. If you see a bunch of no drone signs, I would not fly there unless you plan to deal with it. Even though those signs may not be legal, they are there for a reason and if it's a government entity, I would obey them until I could get it sorted. If they are private signs, ignore them. But if there is a state statute or a city ordinance, you need to take care of it or else obey it. Violate it only if you wish to challenge it.

Ultimately it's stinks because there are many who will avoid flying because they believe the signs are legit and they spread the word there are no fly zones all over town, etc. It doesn't help the hobby and it's also unfair if you fly there, no one says anything, and you don't get to properly challenge it. What I would hate to happen is you fly there, go home, someone got your details and 6 months later, you get a summons.
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If you use your zoom and fly a safe distance you MAY not be breaking the law. But it is really not wise unless you plan to coordinate with the fair officials. Fairs have many things that can become an extreme danger. Including people on rides zooming around. and There is always the possibility of somehow interfering with Emergency Services.
If you really want to try it I would say contact the Fair offices or local Law enforcement.
If it is going to be a part 107 flight I would contact local law enforcement anyway it saves them and you headaches.
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