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Flying in Shetland


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2022
Dumb questions about flying my drone in the UK, specifically in Shetland...

Shetland looks like a spectacular place to fly.

I'm from the USA, have my 107 at home, and am already registered for EU countries with EASA (passed the online training and did registration through Ireland). I've already got my EASA Operator ID and registration (Open Subcategory A1/A3). Yes, of course I know about Brexit, but...

As I understand it, I believe UK still follows - and recognizes? - EASA drone regulations and registration, so as a visitor I'm hoping my existing EASA credentials will simply be recognized. Is that correct? If so, is there anything else beyond the EASA requirements that I need to get/do to fly legally in Shetland? If there's more I need...where do I go to get/do what I need? I assume that aside from being "special" in other ways, the regs for flying in Shetland are simply the UK regs, nothing different.

Looking over the "Dronesafe" UAS Restriction Zones map provided by NATS (NATS UK | UAS Restriction Zones), all I see for restrictions in Shetland are the (entirely expected) aerodromes at Tingwall and Sumburgh (2 nm radius with extensions for approach/departure corridors, surface to 2000' MSL), and nothing elsewhere (dare I believe that? seems too good to be true...). I can certainly live happily if those are the only restrictions, but I must be missing others, no?

I'll be bringing my Mini 3 Pro, so will be staying under 250 grams (assuming the wind isn't blowing a gale...I worry it may be too windy almost all the time I'm there, next July).

I'll have the drone labeled, and will do my best not to annoy anyone - I do try to behave and act like a guest. Do I need liability insurance? Anything else I need?

Thanks for any guidance you can offer.
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