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Flying Mini 2 in BC and Alberta, Canada


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2020
Hi All

I will fly over to Vancouver end of this month, and bring my Mini 2 with me.

From what I saw on this forum, there is no registering or license requied for flying the Mini 2.

I plan to drive to Revelstoke (for Revelstoke and Glacier Nl park), then Golden (for Yoko Ntl park, Lake moraine and louise), then up to Hinton via Glacier Road, then drive back to Vancouver, stopping in Kamloops. I will then spend 2 days on Victoria island (Tofino, China beach).
I understand that drone are forbidden in all national parks, reserves,...
So based on your knowledge, are there places along this itinerary where I could fly my mini 2

Thanks in Advance
Try this website Drone Site Selection Tool. Just keep in mind that some areas may not have cell service so check the site before you arrive at your planned launch point.

check out the “Nav drone” app. There could be some good informatifor places to fly in Canada.
The NAV drone app is a great app, I use it all the time. It will tell you if there is a NOTAM in place etc at the current location. Not sure if you are not a Canadian citizen if you can get an account to use the app but it’s worth a try.

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I’m from Lethbridge and intend on going to the coast this summer as well. I haven’t had time to plan an itinerary but do know that it’s difficult to find legal places to fly in Canada.

I built a platform on a tripod to strap my drone on to for windy days, so I plan on taking that with me so I can get some footage in beautiful places where you can’t fly.

Haven’t checked lately, but some of the apps for flight planning only cover the US, so you’ll have to check them out and see which one works best for Canada.

Good luck and safe travels!
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If you are not in a park, national, provincial, regional, city, marine or near an airport then it's pretty much wide open for flying
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