Your post reads a bit like you're used to driving in 500$ cars and now you have a Ferrari, you want to know what happens when pushing the throttle fully. So I guess everything comes with experience, feeling, confidence.
My tips & experiences:
1) Know the regulations that apply in the location you're flying at: BVLOS flights are banned in most of Europe.
2) Respects privacy of other people in the area
3) Practice & get confident with the drone in sight
4) Make sure to know how the obstacle avoidance system works and especially where there are no sensors to help you out. Know how the drone will act when it loses radio signal and setup your controller in the right mode (RTH preferably)
5) Make sure your homepoint is set and RTH altitude clears the drone of the highest obstacle around. Also check your max distance setting.
6) Know the direction of the wind, when you start flying downwind, you need more battery power to get back. Always start with a full battery
7) First flights: only fly forward to see all obstacles on your screen and don't get too far away. If you're confident enough you can consider flying sideways or backward.
8) Set the homepoint to follow your position and walk in the direction your drone is flying, that way the return path is shorter
9) Practice a lot and get confident, but most of all, have fun !
10) Consider buying spare batteries
I've posted just a couple of video's showing the Mavic Pro's potential to some extent: