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Gimbal warning, filters?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2018
Northamptonshire, UK
OK. 3rd proper flight, first in ideal flying conditions - negligible wind, not a cloud in the sky but at first I thought I'd forgotten to take the gimbal lock off as I get a warning gimbal overheating yet I hadn't. Only other thing I could think of was the filter so checked that was properly and fully on and it was, so the only other thing I could think of was the weight of the filter though it eventually came good. Is this common? Thanks.
Was the filter fitted before you powered on?

Did it pass the calibration at power up?

Are they PolarPro filters?

That's all the questions I have for now :cool:
Was the filter fitted before you powered on?

Did it pass the calibration at power up?

Are they PolarPro filters?

That's all the questions I have for now :cool:
I think they're called sunny life filters, can barely read the last bit.

Yes it was on prior to calibration

Eventually, I started it all up a second time and the second time it came good and I was fine after that, just wondering if its common, anything to worry about and yeah, maybe some tips and recommendations thanks.
I don't have any tips that won't dent your wallet I'm afraid mate :(

All recent PolarPro filters will pass calibration with no issues.

Other brands? Luck of the draw :(
I don't have any tips that won't dent your wallet I'm afraid mate :(

All recent PolarPro filters will pass calibration with no issues.

Other brands? Luck of the draw :(
I had a feeling you were going to say that. Polar pro can wait, in the space of two weeks I've bought a Mavic Pro combo, an ipad 4, a Nikon D7500 - body only as all my old lenses work on this camera, Mavic aftercare, a week long cruise to Norway and a few other odds and ends for the Mavic. Still, I am now single and free to spend money how I like so spend it as I like I will
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