Very militaristic subject but its apt!
I'm a new flyer and therefore doing everything I can to make sure that if approached I have the right info with me to show I'm doing things lawfully and responsibly. I've got a number of things printed out (operator and pilot ID, insurance cert etc) and have just added this to my pack.
Its simple enough - you can draw radiuses on Google Maps so I've drawn 50m circles around nearby buildings etc in the areas I'm likely to fly. The attached is an example of the area I practice in which clearly shows I'm not near a property and that I can keep 50m away from people at all times.
Probably nothing new to you guys (and I suspect a few of you may think I'm being overly cautious!) but thought I'd mention it in case its of use to anyone.
I'm a new flyer and therefore doing everything I can to make sure that if approached I have the right info with me to show I'm doing things lawfully and responsibly. I've got a number of things printed out (operator and pilot ID, insurance cert etc) and have just added this to my pack.
Draw a circle with a radius on a map
Its simple enough - you can draw radiuses on Google Maps so I've drawn 50m circles around nearby buildings etc in the areas I'm likely to fly. The attached is an example of the area I practice in which clearly shows I'm not near a property and that I can keep 50m away from people at all times.
Probably nothing new to you guys (and I suspect a few of you may think I'm being overly cautious!) but thought I'd mention it in case its of use to anyone.