Felix le Chat
Well-Known Member
Been reading through this and similar threads for a while now, mulling things over. The one thought that hit me from the 'off' and has remained at the front of my mind is an historic precedent concerning the media addicted American public, hysterical stupidity and panic... Orson Wells' radio adaptation of 'War Of The Worlds'.This would be perfectly legal and I am just wondering what the Media would do with it. OR what other Drone pilots think.
Here goes..
The news is full of Drone stories lately ( geee thanks anti drone people) NOW its just may get worse:
In our FPV group we have been talking about the up and coming "FAD" of a large group of Drone owners going out at night throwing on the firehouses and swarming an area with lights!!
A few of our gang have been asked by friends that are honestly organizing these things, some of them as sort of a protest of the bad media blitz on Drones! Now they ARE NOT talking about Going out to the air base and making a spectacle In fact they discourage it STRONGLY, BUT they do want to Swarm an area with lights flying legally. Have several members go to a few parks in an area at night and fly with lights blinkin away.
I myself think its a BAD idea simply because with Drones any press seems to be bad press these days. BUT I think its gonna become alot more popular now. So these sighting are gonna become a hot topic...... I fear.