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Hello from germany

Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . ?
Willkommen in unserem Forum von Hauptmann in Texas, USA!

You might try recalibrating both the compass and the IMU. You'll find that flying your Mavic 2 Pro or any DJI quad is so easy. They practically fly themselves. This can lead to overconfidence.

Read the manual, and be conservative at first. Practice using “Find My Drone”. Chances are you will crash and perhaps lose your bird. Don't wait until that happens to learn how to recover a lost drone. Lots of good stuff to shoot throughout Germany. It will give you higher signal strength and better protection from lost connection. Whenever you need help, there are over 100,000 of us from around the world to assist you as you gain experience and grow as a pilot and photographer.

Schön, Sie als Mitglied zu haben!
Hi there, I am a 26 years old female from Germany. Have my Mavic pro 2 since last summer. Unfortunately I had a hard landing some time ago and my gimbal went crazy. Hope I find some help here. Greetings from Germany, shellby
Wilkommen, Shelby. Wo whonen Sie in Deutschland? I lived in the Stuugart area for ten years and learned deutsch with a Stuttgart Schwaebisch accent. No-one would believe I was an American.
Shelby, Welcome from Chicago the Windy City.
One of the things I encourage is understanding how the RTH (return home ) feature works.
Read your manual please, RTH feature is one of the most complex features of a DJI drone. It works very well and
rarely fails, BUT, if you do not understand how it works, it will do unexpected things if your not sure how its supposed to work. Not going thru the list of all the scenarios here, but there are four that you should get to know how they work. Shelby, give you a example of a fellow on his boat. He was on a river, boat anchored, his RTH was activated, where the he anchored his boat. He flew the drone down river, and decided to pull up anchor, and follow it. He had his RTH set on Low Battery RTH. Low battery was activated, the drone went up to 150 feet, and flew back to the original spot where he took off from and started going down to where the drone marked RTH. He, did not know emergency procedures to cancel the Low Battery RTH, and watched it sink into the river. Never to be seen again. The Low battery RTH is the worst, type of RTH, and is one best avoided. Its, just like pilots of Airplanes, never want to be in a situation where their fuel light is blinking and they have to look for a place to land. Also, learn how to use find my drone, as well.Fly Safe, practice using RTH feature. Read your instruction manual please.
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