Checking in, as ordered.
Supposed to receive my Mavic tomorrow and I'm really psyched. Been checking out a few instructional videos just to avoid complete overload at unboxing. Can't believe the amount of tech built into these things. The pace of change is astonishing. My last "aircraft" was a model bi-plane hooked up to a couple of long wires, flying around in circles. Think it was 1966. Jeez, now I feel really old.
Anyway, looking forward to the experience and learning curve.
See y'all 'round.
Capt. Oveur
Supposed to receive my Mavic tomorrow and I'm really psyched. Been checking out a few instructional videos just to avoid complete overload at unboxing. Can't believe the amount of tech built into these things. The pace of change is astonishing. My last "aircraft" was a model bi-plane hooked up to a couple of long wires, flying around in circles. Think it was 1966. Jeez, now I feel really old.
Anyway, looking forward to the experience and learning curve.
See y'all 'round.
Capt. Oveur