Well greetings from sunny, AZ to Bradford, UK. Funny story about Bradford, but in the State of New Hampshire (USA). It was a town in the area our troop provided police coverage for. I received a call from a woman who wanted to report that she saw her sons stolen bicycle at an apartment complex in Bradford. She described the apartment complex, by the river, just over the bridge. She even provided the phone number for the apartment where the stolen bicycle was. (juvenile known to her son, stole bicycle. Mom was able to get parents number). Well I called the parents, explained the situation and they were more than happy to return the bicycle. Funny thing though, the mom wanted to know why the NH State Police was investigating a bicycle stolen in the State of Vermont...Bradford, VT! Turns out that Bradford, VT. also has a river running through it, an apartment complex that matched the description of the one in NH, and a nearby bridge. When the mom called assistance for the Bradford Police number (for VT), she was mistakenly given the one for the State Police in NH. All turned out well, the property was returned, and another case solved....even if it was in another state!