Hello, I got myself a Mavic 2 Zoom a while ago and have used it mostly on holidays, as I find it harder and harder to actually fly legally in England.
I am registered in the UK with both an Operator ID and a flyer ID, as per the current legislation.
Recently, I've been seeing fewer and fewer spaces in England that one is able to fly in. I use both the Drone Assist NATS app and DroneBuddy, as I find them more accurate and with weather forecast as opposed to the map in the DjiGo4 app.
I am disappointed that I can't get out more, due to the stringent legislation.
Under the current legislation, the following are all NO-FLY zones:
- Cities - come under built-up areas so no
- Country Parks - most have bylaws now that specifically stipulate no drones + hard to find with no people in order to be <50m away
- English Heritage Sites - private land, so no + most specifically stipulate no drones
- National Trust - no, just checked recently
- Private land, which is most of the land in England, probably no because it's private land so can't physically get on it since it's well, private; if you park and launch close then still no, because you'll most definitely be somewhere considered illegal
- Beaches -> hard to find a spot where you can be <50m away from anyone, as everyone walks their dogs all the time even on crappy weather days, not to mention on good/sunny days, so no
The only places where one could fly:
- In the middle of the sea, as I do a bit of sailing
- One country park in London (can't remember the name now), which had no rules stipulating drones specifically, although the odd-passer by still gave me "the look" as I was doing smth illegal, even though I was keeping minimum 50m away
Am genuinely interested if anyone has a list of legally flyable zones that they would recommend <100 miles away from London.
I was looking at
Some of the data is inconclusive and honestly, I would rather prefer if the CAA would come out and instead of saying where we CAN't fly, just give and let ppl maintain a list of where we CAN.
Rant over, I am sure other members also feel this frustration.
I am registered in the UK with both an Operator ID and a flyer ID, as per the current legislation.
Recently, I've been seeing fewer and fewer spaces in England that one is able to fly in. I use both the Drone Assist NATS app and DroneBuddy, as I find them more accurate and with weather forecast as opposed to the map in the DjiGo4 app.
I am disappointed that I can't get out more, due to the stringent legislation.
Under the current legislation, the following are all NO-FLY zones:
- Cities - come under built-up areas so no
- Country Parks - most have bylaws now that specifically stipulate no drones + hard to find with no people in order to be <50m away
- English Heritage Sites - private land, so no + most specifically stipulate no drones
- National Trust - no, just checked recently
- Private land, which is most of the land in England, probably no because it's private land so can't physically get on it since it's well, private; if you park and launch close then still no, because you'll most definitely be somewhere considered illegal
- Beaches -> hard to find a spot where you can be <50m away from anyone, as everyone walks their dogs all the time even on crappy weather days, not to mention on good/sunny days, so no
The only places where one could fly:
- In the middle of the sea, as I do a bit of sailing
- One country park in London (can't remember the name now), which had no rules stipulating drones specifically, although the odd-passer by still gave me "the look" as I was doing smth illegal, even though I was keeping minimum 50m away
Am genuinely interested if anyone has a list of legally flyable zones that they would recommend <100 miles away from London.
I was looking at

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Some of the data is inconclusive and honestly, I would rather prefer if the CAA would come out and instead of saying where we CAN't fly, just give and let ppl maintain a list of where we CAN.
Rant over, I am sure other members also feel this frustration.
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