There are a lot of new rules and relaxing of other rules that have to take place before anyone besides DOJ, DOI, SS, and a few other fed agencies would be allowed to take action against UAS.Hi Vic, my point was that it will be law enforcement or private security at federally recognized critical infrastructure facilities (e.g., Los Alamos Lab, Y-12, Pantex Plant, NASA/JPL, one of the 100+ nuclear power plants in the US, etc) that would be taking drown a non-RID drone violating their airspace and justifying their actions based on potential hostile intent of the drone operator who intentionally modified their aircraft to not transmit RID. I would agree that if a member of the general public shot down a non-RID drone they would be violating federal law. Nor do I think that local law enforcement (police officer, sheriff deputy, park ranger, etc) would be authorized or justified taking doing a non-RID drone that is no where near a critical infrastructure facility - say just in a park or beach... but you never know.
And I seriously doubt any private security will ever be allowed to do that.
Yes they are.. ?Keep in mind that all Law Enforcement are being trained in what they can and CAN'T do in terms of UAS operations etc. Unless the UAS poses a real threat to person etc it will not be considered hostile etc. It's not a perfect world and there are "Bad actors" in every industry but I can assure you the FAA is going to great lengths to help educate Law Enforcement and John Q. Public across the country.