Interesting - does that imply that you don't always get the voice saying "New Home Point set - please check the position on the map" automatically every time you connect and get 8/9+ satellites ?
I dont think i always get it on startup (unless i miss it).
I THINK (but cant prove) IF the drone got a GPS lock before i'd loaded and connected to it via the app i wont get an announcement. I think it only talks if the app is up and running.
I realise what you are saying, unless the location has changed significantly there is no new Home Point set. I find this a bit odd because the degree of precision that you get from GPS these days means that the app will know it has changed - DJI must have built in some tolerance. I guess they consider Home as being an approximate position and the downward facing sensors (if fully enabled) will get you back with total precision.
I dont mean significant at all, i ALWAYS manually set a HP before takeoff, sometimes its "moved" by 1m from what the drone had initially sometimes not. It only seems to speak to me if it thinks it has moved (even slightly).
Remember GPS is only good to a 3m-5m radius so anything inside that is the same location to all intents and purposes.