@Pacefast, I would enthusiastically encourage you to join us in the world of FPV!! I've been flying drones for over a decade, took up FPV about 3 years ago, and now it's 90% of my flying. After experiencing FPV it's just too boring flying a camera drone VLOS. My camera drones have become strictly flown for purpose these days.
All that said, understand that the most flexible, intense, flying on crack FPV experience is in manual mode, and the controls – the way the drone behaves in response to stick movements – operate radically differently than what you're used to with most drones.
DJI camera drones function in what is called "angle mode". Simplified, the pitch and roll angle of the aircraft matches proportionally the amount of stick deflection off-center... push the stick forward a little, the drone pitches forward a little and flies forward. Hold the stick in that position and the drone holds that pitch angle, and speed. (I've vastly simplified this, ignoring the effects of positioning, wind, groundspeed from GPS, and the actions of the Flight Controller, all of which are irrelevant to the point being made).
So, if you've spent dozens or hundreds of hours flying like this, it's become reflexive... you don't think about how to move the sticks when you want the drone to do something. Like walking, you know where you want to go and your legs just do it, you don't consciously think about precisely how to move them.
"Manual" changes the relationship between how stick movement affects drone attitude. It functions in "rate mode", where stick deflection controls how fast (the "rate") the drone rotates around the indicated control axis. Push the pitch stick forward a little and hold it, and the drone starts to pitch forward slowly... and keeps on going! All the way to upside down, and back around to level again. And keeps rotating forward as long as you hold that stick. The further forward you push the stick the faster it rotates around and around the pitch axis.
When you re-center the stick, it stops and holds whatever orientation it's in. Roll works the same way. The throttle changes too, becoming a true throttle controlling motor power only, no longer being a "go up or down" control.
That's a lot already, and enough to give you the knowlege that Rate Mode (manual) flight is an entirely different animal than Angle Mode, a.k.a. N/S flight modes on DJI aircraft. You will have to learn to fly all over again, it's much much harder, and totally different. You will crash. Again and again. Some spectacular. This is why you do it in a simulator first. Don't fly a real drone in manual until you can again and again without crashing in the sim.
Thanks to DJI, you can experience all the thrills of FPV with the safety and familiarity of N/S angle mode flight, full positioning and location awareness, and position hold. In N/S the
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Neo fly with the same operation and "feel" at the controls than drones you're already familiar and skilled with.
And many of us just love the Motion Controller, I'm among them. I confess that I fly with it most of the time now, even though I've honed manual skills over the years. It's just so much fun!