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How does focus to infinity work?

davedrone 178

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2021
Providence, RI
Figure I would set manual focus to infinity (mountain icon) to help solve my focus problem since I only video landscape miles away. I figured I would get the sharpest focus at this setting. Apparently not. Tried Auto focus and got even a sharper picture from long distance. Then, still in auto focus, I panned to an area about a half mile away and the image got soft as the auto focus re-focussed. Looks like my Mini 3 Pro is going back to DJI for another replacement. Focus
IS NOT A PROBLEM with my Mini 3 standard. Why?
To achieve a uniformly sharp image from front to back, it's recommended to focus your M3P's camera at its hyperfocal distance rather than infinity. The hyperfocal distance for the M3P is slightly less than 7 meters. One way to set this distance is by placing your M3P 7 meters away from a flat subject such as a wall, and adjusting the manual focus until the subject appears as sharp as possible. This will set the hyperfocal distance, and result in a sharp image throughout the depth of field.

To achieve a uniformly sharp image from front to back, it's recommended to focus your M3P's camera at its hyperfocal distance rather than infinity. The hyperfocal distance for the M3P is slightly less than 7 meters. One way to set this distance is by placing your M3P 7 meters away from a flat subject such as a wall, and adjusting the manual focus until the subject appears as sharp as possible. This will set the hyperfocal distance, and result in a sharp image throughout the depth of field.

View attachment 161615
Thanks for this. I uploaded a video of my focus test using the hyperfocal distance. So far, so good I think. Too windy to fly today but I'll test on high when possible.Hyperfocal focus test
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