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How does Hangar 360 determine "home point"?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
Can anyone clarify how hangar 360 determines the home point? At the end of a hangar "mission" it say carry on fyling or return home.....does it mean the home point as set in DJIGo4 or does it mean where it took off from? I am too scared to try to see if the two are different. thanks
From what I see HP is set in go app when you start it up and stays in your bird when you go to hangar . I alway take back to go app after it
takes the pictures and come back . I'm bad about flying way off to do one and have had go app not reconnect so just hit RTH button on TX and has so far always came back . I have never flown in hangar just
to fly .
I just started using Hangar 360 a few weeks ago and love it thus far. The latest beta version is MUCH more stable and thus far I haven't found anything about it negative.

I don't even use DJI Go Ap. I launch the aircraft and then launch Hangar ap. The home-point is set inside the aircraft and stored each time. It usually sets the home-point the moment the aircraft lifts off but if you take off before you have a solid # of satellites locked the HP will be set once they are acquired. I've had it set a HP about 50' away if I take off flying prior to GPS mode engaged.

Remember these aircraft fly just fine without a tablet/Ap and the HP is set inside the bird itself. If you happen to be flying with a display device and have a flight ap running it will "Notify" you of the HP being set but it's actually set by the bird itself.
ok so, Hangar360 overwrites to DJIGo4 homepoint in the sense the MP will return to the take off position if you just use hangar, but I guess if you press home point on the remote, it will go to the DJI pre-set homepoint, or I am getting things mixed up?
Home point is set by the aircraft on takeoff and that is what it used for any return to home unless you change it yourself manually afterwards in any app that lets you do so. Easy enough...
Isn't there some sort of weird image ownership issues when using Hangar 360? I seem to recall they own the pano after it's created using their site.
ok so, Hangar360 overwrites to DJIGo4 homepoint in the sense the MP will return to the take off position if you just use hangar, but I guess if you press home point on the remote, it will go to the DJI pre-set homepoint, or I am getting things mixed up?

Hangar uses a dynamic home point. If you click return to home while using the app it will go to your RC location. Try it and move your RC position after takeoff
thank you for the reassurance...I am going to give it a go, with less fear of the drone flying off to a historical home point!
Home point is set by the aircraft on takeoff and that is what it used for any return to home unless you change it yourself manually afterwards in any app that lets you do so. Easy enough...
I fly a Phantom 4 Pro. More often than not, when the AC is on its way home using RTH in Autopilot, I notice that the Home Point "scoots" or shifts 50-100 feet away from the original home point - sometimes more. I did not change the original position of the RC at takeoff. The PIC did not move. I just checked settings in Autopilot and noticed that "Dynamic Home Location" was enabled. Should I expect the home point to remain still and not "scoot" one way or the other if I disable "Dynamic Home Location" ?? Thanks in advance...
I fly a Phantom 4 Pro. More often than not, when the AC is on its way home using RTH in Autopilot, I notice that the Home Point "scoots" or shifts 50-100 feet away from the original home point - sometimes more. I did not change the original position of the RC at takeoff. The PIC did not move. I just checked settings in Autopilot and noticed that "Dynamic Home Location" was enabled. Should I expect the home point to remain still and not "scoot" one way or the other if I disable "Dynamic Home Location" ?? Thanks in advance...
Disable it and it should stay in one place.
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