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How much if an issue regarding interference is a train track nearby?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Hi all,

I have a train track that runs near my house and I often fly over it - I thought I read somewhere that trains / train tracks can cause issues regarding interference, is there any truth in this, please?
I live less than 1/4 mile from an active train track and fly in the area very often and have never had the first hint of a problem. One of my job sites that I fly every week is located with train tracks in several directions (they load/unload rail cars) and one again zero interference. Sometimes I fly this job site at less than 10' AGL documenting the construction of a new facility.
I live less than 1/4 mile from an active train track and fly in the area very often and have never had the first hint of a problem. One of my job sites that I fly every week is located with train tracks in several directions (they load/unload rail cars) and one again zero interference. Sometimes I fly this job site at less than 10' AGL documenting the construction of a new facility.
Well that's good enough for me ;) Thank you.
I fly over train tracks. They can provide some beautiful videography. I don't have any problems with interference.

The only problem I do have is not being able to track the rails in a straight line when I am low to the ground, but that isn't an interference problem.
for train tracks it the same rules as for roads only cross them if there is no moving traffic and as @KB4MTO said do not fly directly above ,and along them if they are in use to track a moving train or vehicle
I fly all around them and have never had any issues. Have even had the RR police stand with me videoing and taking pictures.
Only thing he asked me not to do was fly low around the switchers
when they were working to take their attention off what they were doing which I already knew .
Not good but were handy to show you what I have. We are just a small Railroad town with the Ten-Tom Waterway coming through.
I suppose it might be worth clarifying whether we're talking about electrified train tracks, and then also whether that should make a difference.
Hi all, sure I read somewhere that you need to be 50 mtrs from rail lines.

Flying into 25k power lines is probably not recommended ?

Cheers graham.
Hi all, sure I read somewhere that you need to be 50 mtrs from rail lines.

Flying into 25k power lines is probably not recommended ?

Cheers graham.
To date, I've seen nothing in FAA rules about not being near a train. I doubt very much that a small drone will have any on a train. If you hit a moving train with your drone, it will turn to dust. LOL. Like a mosquito to an elephant. Unlike cars and planes....they are not prone to swerving to avoid
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To date, I've seen nothing in FAA rules about not being near a train. I doubt very much that a small drone will have any on a train. If you hit a moving train with your drone, it will turn to dust. LOL. Like a mosquito to an elephant. Unlike cars and planes....they are not prone to swerving to avoid
The FAA has a designated section for rules on flying and or TO relating tot RR tracks and to trains, but nothing is yet written in the regs. Common sense should prevail currently....
Hi all,

I have a train track that runs near my house and I often fly over it - I thought I read somewhere that trains / train tracks can cause issues regarding interference, is there any truth in this, please?
Never had any issues flying over or even parallel to tracks even at 25 feet. Keep in mind there are FAA and FRA (yes there is a Federal Railroad Agency)rules about flying over trains so you might want to check up on that.
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