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I’m getting a poor gps message


Sep 3, 2020
When I’m flying my Mavic air 2, I am getting a poor gps connection on the Boston center of my iPhone. It says check my gps setting on the drone or check on my device!! I check UAV forecast which shows 12-14 satellites. What is the fix?
When I’m flying my Mavic air 2, I am getting a poor gps connection on the Boston center of my iPhone. It says check my gps setting on the drone or check on my device!! I check UAV forecast which shows 12-14 satellites. What is the fix?
If the drone is out in the open (not indoors or in a canyon, under heavy tree cover etc), it should have full GPS reception.
There's no GPS setting that you can check.
Are you trying to do something that brings up the message or is it just coming up as you are flying?

If the message is about your phone's GPS reception:
It's a common Apple issue and there's nothing you can do about it .. and
The drone has a perfectly good GPS receiver which is what it uses for all flight functions.
If the drone is out in the open (not indoors or in a canyon, under heavy tree cover etc), it should have full GPS reception.
There's no GPS setting that you can check.
Are you trying to do something that brings up the message or is it just coming up as you are flying?

If the message is about your phone's GPS reception:
It's a common Apple issue and there's nothing you can do about it .. and
The drone has a perfectly good GPS receiver which is what it uses for all flight functions.

Yes I’m out side in my backyard, my original Mavic pro had never given me gps issues!! (Same iPhone too)
Yes I’m out side in my backyard, my original Mavic pro had never given me gps issues!! (Same iPhone too)
Can you give some more information to help work out what the issue is?
Are you trying to do something that brings up the message or is it just coming up as you are flying?
What is the exact message?
Can you post a screenshot?
Sure! It comes up almost anywhere i fly!! I’ve flown it in several different locations with the same out come! I take off after I get a good home point location is locked in. I bought this unit at Apple store in town, do they take returns or exchange for a new one?


  • F1341324-18F9-4954-A6C9-1A5305C57392.jpeg
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Sure! It comes up almost anywhere i fly!! I’ve flown it in several different locations with the same out come! I take off after I get a good home point location is locked in. I bought this unit at Apple store in town, do they take returns or exchange for a new one?
If we could see the full screenshot, I think we'd see that your drone has full GPS.
The message is related to the GPS in your phone and not the drone.

Next time you see it, have a look at the indication of your GPS status at the top of screen.
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