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2 Pro Indigo Sky Casino Wyandotte Oklahoma

Overall a nice job filming.
I apologize in advance for the unsolicited comments and advice, but I've found that members comments about what I've posted always resulted in better final edits...

I have to be honest and was disturbed by the continuous casino sound effects. While just my opinion, my opinion is that they are far too much and unrelenting. If I may provide a concept that I was taught years ago, "WHEN YOU OVER-DO A SPECIAL EFFECT IT IS NO LONGER "SPECIAL". IMO that is what I hear with nothing but sound effects in the sound track.

What I might recommend for a sound track would be start with the casino sounds briefly and then transition into music. If you like you can then transition to your second casino sound and then back into music. The sound track should support and enhance your video track, not detract from it or call attention to itself, especially if the video is the key attraction. Again, this is my opinion and I apologize for the unsolicited advice.
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Overall a nice job filming.
I apologize in advance for the unsolicited comments and advice, but I've found that members comments about what I've posted always resulted in better final edits...

I have to be honest and was disturbed by the continuous casino sound effects. While just my opinion, my opinion is that they are far too much and unrelenting. If I may provide a concept that I was taught years ago, "WHEN YOU OVER-DO A SPECIAL EFFECT IT IS NO LONGER "SPECIAL". IMO that is what I hear with nothing but sound effects in the sound track.

What I might recommend for a sound track would be start with the casino sounds briefly and then transition into music. If you like you can then transition to your second casino sound and then back into music. The sound track should support and enhance your video track, not detract from it or call attention to itself, especially if the video is the key attraction. Again, this is my opinion and I apologize for the unsolicited advice.

Great idea!
Flying was great! Obviously, they have put the place together very well. I agree the casino sounds were a bit much, and while I see they definitely fit there, I think @vindibona1's idea is a good one. I might suggest music throughout and a sprinkle of casino sounds at a lower volume so you know they are there, but not over powering. I hope that makes sense.
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