Are you referring to this single test video available on youtube? Looks like my drone light
It seems they only did fluid dynamics and extensive "proof of concept" testing, Imagine atmosphere 100 times less dense with completely different dynamic, yet the props looks quite similar to "earth" props
as you said, I would also expect some "real life testing" like high altitude flight from balloon at 35km+ that would be cool to watch, or flight in extreme cold at -90C, How small drone like theirs holds batteries warm over night? little solar panel on the top would not be enough to warm it up.
I have watch landing video and it seems they added a lot of drama and totally no science. Looks like theater for 10years olds.
Crane landing.... Elon has hard time controlling 3 engines, those boys control like 8 jets

in atmosphere only 1% of earth, it would take a lot of fuel to stop this thing.
I remember few years back jump from high altitude, jumper crossed speed of sound at terminal velocity, On Mars air is still thiner than during that jump...
Whatever they have done looks very fake, yes I'm sceptical especially they do not provide any scientific data, just one guy breathing hard to show he is is very excited (that thing was creepy), now we will wait for 3 days for telemetry data.... when signal takes 4.5-20min to travel...
Their drone initial cost was 25 Millions withlast number 85M so not that expensive after all.