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Insuring Mavic Pro on top of DJI Refresh?

Ohhhh man!!! I didn’t want to be right and cause you extra work, maybe just being wrong all the time is better for me, that way I don’t cause problems for others. On the other hand if you’re correct that would be awesome!
Looked on the website, looks like $2.5 million, max, cannot be used to insure family members, a bit vague on the web posting.
Wow, I think I’m gunna make a phone call tomorrow and ask them a few “what if” questions. I’ll post back tomorrow and let you know
Thanks everyone for contriburing. Unfortunately since I have posted this I have found a multitude of posts here and other forums that have shared their experience and unfortunately it hasn't been as clear as black and white.

Yes it's beneficial if you are lucky to find the good combination of finding the right agent and you are located in the right state. Even if you were lucky to get coverage. It's seems only good if you obviously don't file a claim ironically but for those who did have to file a claim, the experience for starters starts out well but usually leads to getting dropped as it becomes more of a loss to SF.

There were some findings who were able to file a claim and continue with their coverage but time will tell what will happen if another claim is made. Now I'm not saying that were are all clumsy with our drones but to say the least it's a toss up.

I'm beginning to think that aside from SF to venture and see what other insurance is available. I.e. AMA / verifly etc..
Okay it seems once again as in some of the other topics this is starting to get confused! Liability if you're involved in an incident and for some reason with AMA is liability insurance! That does not cover replacement of drones that get destroyed. DJI will repair your drone for a period of one year for a maximum of two times at a cost of $99 and $129 for the second one.
So on top of that if you have State Farm they will replace your drone and all accessories and everything else you put on the policy if you have any kind of incident happened to it whatsoever! And they will renew your next drone on to that policy. And they will also let you add stuff onto that policy as you go forward and they will not drop you once you make a claim! I know because I've been through it! So if you guys don't feel it is worth it I will just tell you it will be your loss in the long run!
To go one step further I would actually make a claim with DJI first if I have an issue with my drone that is recoverable and able to be repaired and you State Farm as a last resort actually! Just for that what if scenario if they do drop you after X number of claims. Plus I'm sure it will make you feel better rather than making a fraudulent claim that your drone was not recoverable!
Okay it seems once again as in some of the other topics this is starting to get confused! Liability if you're involved in an incident and for some reason with AMA is liability insurance! That does not cover replacement of drones that get destroyed. DJI will repair your drone for a period of one year for a maximum of two times at a cost of $99 and $129 for the second one.
So on top of that if you have State Farm they will replace your drone and all accessories and everything else you put on the policy if you have any kind of incident happened to it whatsoever! And they will renew your next drone on to that policy. And they will also let you add stuff onto that policy as you go forward and they will not drop you once you make a claim! I know because I've been through it! So if you guys don't feel it is worth it I will just tell you it will be your loss in the long run!
You're one of the few. Do a search even on this forum that talked about several folks filing a claim and getting dropped. Sorry I would link but I'm on my phone. When I get back to a computer I'll see if I can repost.
To go one step further I would actually make a claim with DJI first if I have an issue with my drone that is recoverable and able to be repaired and you State Farm as a last resort actually! Just for that what if scenario if they do drop you after X number of claims. Plus I'm sure it will make you feel better rather than making a fraudulent claim that your drone was not recoverable!
That would be my first approach.
Thanks everyone for contriburing. Unfortunately since I have posted this I have found a multitude of posts here and other forums that have shared their experience and unfortunately it hasn't been as clear as black and white.

Yes it's beneficial if you are lucky to find the good combination of finding the right agent and you are located in the right state. Even if you were lucky to get coverage. It's seems only good if you obviously don't file a claim ironically but for those who did have to file a claim, the experience for starters starts out well but usually leads to getting dropped as it becomes more of a loss to SF.

There were some findings who were able to file a claim and continue with their coverage but time will tell what will happen if another claim is made. Now I'm not saying that were are all clumsy with our drones but to say the least it's a toss up.

I'm beginning to think that aside from SF to venture and see what other insurance is available. I.e. AMA / verifly etc..
I can tell you with my research at finding drone insurance through Insurance options was only available through commercial companies when you are flying commercially. And I will tell you that it was nothing close to as cheap as State Farm is for your personal items that are covered under the pap plan. All the fluff that gets added into these comments is certainly not helpful to the rest of us. I have seen several comments throughout this thread that are Justified on absolutely nothing! And that's not what this form is about as far as I know! We're supposed to be dealing with factual information that will help out the rest of our community!
You're one of the few. Do a search even on this forum that talked about several folks filing a claim and getting dropped. Sorry I would link but I'm on my phone. When I get back to a computer I'll see if I can repost.
Actually if you read those comments carefully these people did not go through the process and just speculated that they would be dropped which is not the case from my experience and others I have spoken to. And that is sad because this is all of us take advantage of! Think about how much money would be lost if people didn't take advantage due to those negative comments!
Actually if you read those comments carefully these people did not go through the process and just speculated that they would be dropped which is not the case from my experience and others I have spoken to. And that is sad because this is all of us take advantage of! Think about how much money would be lost if people didn't take advantage due to those negative comments!

I'm not much more carefully do I need to read these types of posts but this is just one of them.

State Farm canceled me today
With reference to the AMA liability insurance question:

I recently joined the AMA and the information they sent me states the following in reference to their liability insurance:

"AMA coverage is not limited to model flying at contest or at a club field. It applies to flying on private property, at public demonstrations and air shows."

The documentation also states that the policy does not cover business pursuits, that is any activity that generates income.
Doug, I am a member of AMA, thanks for mentioning it tho, great place to have a membership. I haven’t looked at the benefits for awhile, but I thought we were only covered when flying at a AMA approved flying field. Then we had about 1 million in coverage.

AMA will cover you regardless of where you fly and long as you follow their Safety Rules. One of which is having your AMA number and/or name and address on or in the aircraft. AMA insurance is secondary which means it will cover what your home owners doesn’t, unless you don’t any other coverage, then it will cover everything.

AMA 1328 CD
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I'm not much more carefully do I need to read these types of posts but this is just one of them.

State Farm canceled me today
I believe we have a lot of people spewing out fake news and it's sad so I will continue being satisfied with what I am doing cuz I have nothing to gain by telling you people this! So good luck with your Ventures on that!
I believe we have a lot of people spewing out fake news and it's sad so I will continue being satisfied with what I am doing cuz I have nothing to gain by telling you people this! So good luck with your Ventures on that!
I should mention also I am a member of the AMA and I do not rely on that insurance for anything unless I'm at an AMA event or hopefully if I'm doing something commercial that their insurance policy will help me.
I do find it amazing how a simple no-brainer issue got this complicated! If you just want to pay all cash every time you drone crashes that's fine i am just trying to give you suggestions that might help that pain when it does happen. If you choose not to protect yourself that's your prerogative obviously! And if you want to believe these stories that are going out there to the negative that's a shame! But I can tell you I have benefited from both DJI care refresh and State Farm and I'm still covered by both!
I do find it amazing how a simple no-brainer issue got this complicated! If you just want to pay all cash every time you drone crashes that's fine i am just trying to give you suggestions that might help that pain when it does happen. If you choose not to protect yourself that's your prerogative obviously! And if you want to believe these stories that are going out there to the negative that's a shame! But I can tell you I have benefited from both DJI care refresh and State Farm and I'm still covered by both!

You do realize that you need to take a deep breath. I don't think anyone is saying that SF doesn't work? What worked for you doesn't mean that everyone else is "fake" news. I don't know what you're huffing and puffing about but you need to relax and see the world rather than seeing what worked for you and that's how the world works. I'm glad it worked for you but I can definitely share more posts that span across multiple pages that talked about the good and the bad and the experiences that vary from person to person.

My point in all this is that this whole thing isn't black and white. Here is my experience, I have called my local SF agent and they are "looking" into what can cover me and they are supposed to call me back. That was last Friday. I'll have to follow up with them this coming Monday and perhaps call other "local" agents which may vary from agent to agent their knowledge of the policy. If I can find one that can actually cover me. I will be signing up. What happens down the road if and when I do file a claim, I'll take that gamble.
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Anyone doing this? If so specifically what is it under?
I purchased my MP (first drone) in early December for some graduate student research I'm doing, and got DJI Care Refresh as insurance. I'm glad I did, I crashed my drone 3 weeks into owning it. I used the "express" option of DJI Care Refresh and got a refurbished model in perfect working condition (but not a brand new model) about 10 days after shipping my broken drone to them.
As for insurance in addition to DJI Care: Because I fly for research through a public university, I am required to have $1,000,000 of liability insurance to protect the University in the event that I damage someone's property while flying for my research. We use Lloyd's of London underwriters, and they provided an option to include coverage for hull damage to our drone for an additional $4.25/year on our liability insurance premium... So for a couple extra bucks, I double insured my purchase of the drone. So I still have 1 available use of DJI Care Refresh, and another through Lloyd's of London.

My situation is probably unique, and I doubt most remote pilots on here are interested in purchasing liability insurance just to have cheap hull insurance, but it is a sweet situation for those who need both!
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