Well-Known Member
I'm in need of advice on wifi or cellular iPad mini 4
I bought the 16GB wifi only for flying. I keep it off the Internet for security issues. I liked it so much better than my old iPad, I bought a 64GB with cell for touring etc. My phone checks fly zones etc but it no longer has Go on it.
If you plan on updates and need to have maps of where you're flying, then the cellular will be needed if you don't have a device it can tether to for Internet. Maps you can set to cache and scroll around while net connected and it will show up later while flying and not connected.
Some purposely don't want to have any updates so keep their gear off the Internet so it cannot update. I'm in that camp.
I bought the Mini4 WiFi as Apple at some point stop selling and supporting the 2 and 3, and future updates will eventually require higher level hardware, so my gamble is the difference spent today will keep me from buying all new down the road by a longer stretch. All my Apple gear has been put out to pasture in great running condition. Tech progresses and the old just gets left in the dust of yesterdays past.