I am thinking about it from different perspectives. Let me explain my process of thinking. I had
mavic 2 pro and although it had 1 inch sensor camera, the image it provides on good light condition was very very similar to image which i am getting from my
mavic air 2 with lesser camera size. The image was also incosistant - center was sharp and looks great (better then
mavic air 2) but on left or right corners the image tend to be soft (worst then
mavic air 2) I didnt like this effect.
Mavic air 2 dont have this issue - it looks the same all the way.
Mavic 2 pro 1 inch sensor is better in low light scenarios but i was not really using it in low light so no matter for me. Sensors are something which can deceive you and fall into crash if you trust them too much - cant see small branches, so again not matter much for me. I am not professional so i was not working much in postprocessing data. The batteries of
mavic 2 pro were also it biggest weaknes - swelling like mad after warranty period. So i sell it, bought
mavic air 2 and i still had like 20% bonus money to spend. Now situation is very similar and it is repeating itself.
I was not sure in range that is why i was asking cuz i dont want to compromise this aspect. Wind stability is second and last thing that can prevent me to swap from
air 2 to
mini 2. Is there significant difference in this aspect or not really?