So while testing my faithful mini 1 in preparation for holiday we had an "incident".
Alas my little SkyMonkey is now sitting on the healing bench looking very unhappy. Camera gimble mount shattered, ribbon cable torn and topshell cracked. It may be time to send him off into the final sunset. Then I can get a nice shiny 3 Pro
So 3 Pros are not cheap and Mr Gates is still to reply to my request for a £1 billion 'investment' grant - so I am looking to close the gap between available funds and retail.
Is there a market for taking in 'retired' drones for breaking and reselling? If so, could someone point me to such a place please.
Alas my little SkyMonkey is now sitting on the healing bench looking very unhappy. Camera gimble mount shattered, ribbon cable torn and topshell cracked. It may be time to send him off into the final sunset. Then I can get a nice shiny 3 Pro

So 3 Pros are not cheap and Mr Gates is still to reply to my request for a £1 billion 'investment' grant - so I am looking to close the gap between available funds and retail.
Is there a market for taking in 'retired' drones for breaking and reselling? If so, could someone point me to such a place please.