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Just passed my 107 Exam, should I get the Pro 2 or wait?


Nov 16, 2020

I just passed my Part 107 exam today and have been looking into purchasing a new drone. I have my eyes on the Mavic 2 Pro but am curious if I should I wait for a potential upgrade next year?
I have the Mini right now to practice with.

I just passed my Part 107 exam today and have been looking into purchasing a new drone. I have my eyes on the Mavic 2 Pro but am curious if I should I wait for a potential upgrade next year?
I have the Mini right now to practice with.
If you had no other drone I'd say get the Mavic 2 now. If you were to work professional jobs you'd get the 3 when it came out as a backup.

Aso like me, you are in the NY/NJ area, winter is approaching and casual flying time is limited for 4+ months. Simply use your Mini now to keep and hone flying skills.

In anticipation of the Mavic 3, it would be helpful to download the Mavic 2 manual. Use it to read up on and make a list of features not available on the Mini. You could watch videos of these advanced features as they will likely carry over to the Mavic 3. Your learning curve will thus be shortened.

I just passed my Part 107 exam today and have been looking into purchasing a new drone. I have my eyes on the Mavic 2 Pro but am curious if I should I wait for a potential upgrade next year?
I have the Mini right now to practice with.

Congrats on the exam. It all depends on what part of the world that you live on. Another words. If you are facing a long winter ? you can hold off until spring. Because the drone will probably be sitting around for the next few months. And by then DJI will have a new release. Hope that this helps.
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If you had no other drone I'd say get the Mavic 2 now. If you were to work professional jobs you'd get the 3 when it came out as a backup.

Aso like me, you are in the NY/NJ area, winter is approaching and casual flying time is limited for 4+ months. Simply use your Mini now to keep and hone flying skills.

In anticipation of the Mavic 3, it would be helpful to download the Mavic 2 manual. Use it to read up on and make a list of features not available on the Mini. You could watch videos of these advanced features as they will likely carry over to the Mavic 3. Your learning curve will thus be shortened.
Ah yes, valid point! I think I will just keep practicing for the time being and hold off during the winter months.

Thank you!

I just passed my Part 107 exam today and have been looking into purchasing a new drone. I have my eyes on the Mavic 2 Pro but am curious if I should I wait for a potential upgrade next year?
I have the Mini right now to practice with.
I just this evening flew my new Mavic 2 Pro for the first time. I have flown a Mavic Pro Platinum for the last two years. Wow, what a difference. Buy the M2 Pro because there is a lot to learn from it, even if an M3 comes out. That's me take on it.
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I just this evening flew my new Mavic 2 Pro for the first time. I have flown a Mavic Pro Platinum for the last two years. Wow, what a difference. Buy the M2 Pro because there is a lot to learn from it, even if an M3 comes out. That's me take on it.

How much better is it compared to the platinum. ? Because it would have to knock my socks off. For me to get rid of the platinum. [emoji41]
Congratulations from Liverpool, NY.
Practice Practice safe and have fun.
Its gonna warm up and be sunny by July and then we have until August till we get snow again...LOL.
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I just passed my Part 107 exam today and have been looking into purchasing a new drone. I have my eyes on the Mavic 2 Pro but am curious if I should I wait for a potential upgrade next year?
I have the Mini right now to practice with.

Hi I’m booking my 107 exam with psi when I’m picking out the test centers, I see there’s a $96 fee for psi center or a $96+ $64 fee for non psi center are these fees in addition to $150 the FAA gets ? I can’t get through to them on the phone to ask them.
My understanding of the fees collected is just as you have posted. If the test center is NOT PSI there very well may be an additional charge tacked on. FYI, the FAA does not collect any of that money for the test. All of that is test organization money. When I took my original and recurrent tests the costs were simply fees for testing and processing by the test organizations, NOT the FAA. Lots and lots of great study material available all over. First I would advise to check the FAA.GOV at the two links below to determine the areas of study. Saves some headaches.

Start here:
This booklet outlines your areas of study.

This site has all the study data you need for test prep.
It also references other materials needed for study.
Absolutely everything needed for study is available from the FAA.GOV www
--And, yes, there are some very reputable organizations to help you prepare as well.

Study material listings:

Download this:
This is the ONLY book you may use during test
This book is the identical one provided for testing, you may NOT take your own to test with.
--Please note that NOT all material in this book is for UAS 107 Testing

Good Luck
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Hey! Sorry I have been inactive recently but from my understand it is as you say. PSI centers are the $96 fee and others add on additional fees. I’m guessing it’s for the extra paper work, filing, and just adding the test. I don’t think the extra goes to FAA.

I went to a PSI center and it was smooth and pretty easy (as far as getting an appointment and actually sitting down to the test)
My suggestion is if you have a testing center with in reach try to go there.

Hope this helps!
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