Like any mobility apparatus, such as car, airplane, the craft gets dirtied, and debri goes inside from the air intake gimbal exposed, smudges from fingers onto piezo sensors, and wherever else it can lodge residence.
Do you just jet cannister air to gently blow off the residual? Or use camera optic brush to clear away residual?
There are delicate interior parts which can be disrupted by jet or brush cleaning attempts?
Walmart sells 16ounce electronic instant contact cleaner zero residue safe for all material includes rubber and all plastics. But it will clean any factory lubricant (blower axle bearing) in craft. Purge inert nitrogen upon cleanse to remove condensate internals else vacuum from gimbal intake at reduced vacuum suction? Is this prudent maintenance? Or invitation to complications?
Do you just jet cannister air to gently blow off the residual? Or use camera optic brush to clear away residual?
There are delicate interior parts which can be disrupted by jet or brush cleaning attempts?
Walmart sells 16ounce electronic instant contact cleaner zero residue safe for all material includes rubber and all plastics. But it will clean any factory lubricant (blower axle bearing) in craft. Purge inert nitrogen upon cleanse to remove condensate internals else vacuum from gimbal intake at reduced vacuum suction? Is this prudent maintenance? Or invitation to complications?