I doubt we'll be given the opportunity to disable standard RID using a switch. It would need to be disabled in the next software update and then re-enabled with yet another software update should it become necessary again. Most of us have been broadcasting RID for a couple months already, not sure why we need to quit at this point. RID is not going away completely so may as well comply now instead of complaining that it isn't ready when the new deadline arrives and promote fears of the newer drones being grounded and illegal to fly waiting for more software, etc. Not going to really matter to the newer drone flyers whether you call RID or the deadline delayed, cancelled, postponed, etc.....for most of us, it's here already. At this point, if there is FAA action, it would be a business decision and ultimately DJI may find a way to bring RID to even more of their orphan'd drones.
Finally, wouldn't be complete without another dig at the FAA for causing even more problems with a potential delay announcement if only by more confusion on top of confusion already. Does this mean I can't now fly VLOS like you promised?
Finally, wouldn't be complete without another dig at the FAA for causing even more problems with a potential delay announcement if only by more confusion on top of confusion already. Does this mean I can't now fly VLOS like you promised?