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Legal to Launch & Land Near Road in US?

I think the OP just wanted a pic of the Area and I don't think they would attempt to fly over the crater from that vantage point.
It would be an ambitious flight - it's 9 miles to get to the crater and back.
I was commenting that the roads inside National Parks are part of the parks and the same rules apply. Being on a road inside the park boundary doesn't get around the prohibition. State parks are a different matter and the regulations differ widely.
This makes sense.
I came here with a general question about launching from public space and, yes, flying over private property. We should all exercise some discretion when flying over private property, as not only can it be illegal, depending on what images/video you’re capturing, but just wrong.

The Meteor Crater was one instance that fueled my question, but not the only one, and makes for a nice example of the question I was posing.

Specific to Meteor Crater and Meta4’s reply:

“No it's a guy wanting to fly his drone 4.5 miles over privately owned land to shoot a privately owned, commercial tourist attraction.”​
Is that wrong?
Could I not pilot an airplane in the NAS and capture similar images?​
Your portrayal is inaccurate. I drove about 6 miles from the freeway along a public road to the gate of the tourist attraction. I launched from the side of the public road just outside the site. And yes, I flew over private land. Is any of that inappropriate? I’m receptive to feedback on legalities and morality.​
“…he should have gone in the gate, paid his entry fee and talked to the operator about flying his drone there.”​
Really? Why? I had no intention of taking any drone photos from a vantage point more accessible from inside the site. I did not want to visit the ‘museum’ or their tchotchke shop.​
Also, they were not open and I did not plan to wait until their opening time to take any photos and then continue my trip.​
I did not take advantage of any of their facilities. Instead, I took photos of a big hole in the ground, which I’m pretty confident they had no role in creating.​

I’ve been flying with the assumption that space immediately adjacent to public roadways is legal for launching, operating, and landing drones, so long as it’s done safely and doesn’t interfere with other activities, particularly traffic. I broached the topic in a completely different forum (motorcycles) and someone who responds with an air of authority stated that it was not legal. I’ve asked him for a reference, as I don’t want to violate it, but haven’t gotten that reference. I came here with my OP because I want to know for sure and since it’s on-topic I’m hopeful for pertinent replies.
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It would be an ambitious flight - it's 9 miles to get to the crater and back.
The crater is actually right on the other side of the Building pictured. The long Part of the building is one of the Terrace's that overlooks it.
Side Note: The crater Itself is Known for creating winds that will suck any object above it into the crater. Long ago a commercial pilot attempted a very low altitude Cessna flight over the crater. There are pieces of the plane still inside
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I believe we are inching closer and closer to the point where it needs to be shown to the public (and apparently some members of the community) that operating a drone is not a crime. We can help with that.
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