ive bought and sold so many over the years. wish i had a pic of them all together. the list is roughly 25 drones lol
currently only have a P3 4K, MM, M2P, and M2Z
Here we go. front row is a SkyViper mini (no cam and just fun indoor drone)
second row left to right: SkyViper v2400 FPV, Mavic 1 Pro, Mavic 1 Pro
third row left to right: SkyViper v2450GPS, SkyViper Journey, SkyViper v2900PRO.
You might see I have strobes on my M1Ps. Three on each, front, center and rear. Got them on Amazon. Happy yo supply additional info if needed.
The above does not include the 3 or 4 that I crashed/trashed. I cut my teeth on "toy grade" drones (skyviper journey, 2400 and 2900). For me it was a good idea that way if I add the cost of the the trashed ones it doesnt total to what i paid for either of my preowned M1P's. I'm thinking a Mini 2 or a Mavic 3 may be next. This is addictive. I may need to go to drone rehab.
What fleets of drones do some people have, after 17 months of flying with my M2P (admittedly fourth in order, crashes), I am waiting for a drone that surpasses M2P.
The new rules for drones that will apply from 1 Jan 2021 (EU), however, allow me to fly it in its current condition until 31 Dec 2022, but then it must be a new drone.
Whether it is a Chinese or an American drone, can depend on how the presidential election goes today.
Can imagine a price between 1500 - 2500 $ US.
My personal requirement is that the Remote Control is of the highest quality, both hardware and software. That the drone surpasses today's control and sensor system is implied.
For me, flying is the essential thing, AI controlled flying and photography are of secondary importance to me.
Many will probably add the new MM2 to their drone fleet, for my part MM2 gives nothing that I do not have today in my M2P.
Size is of very little importance to me as I hang my SC around my neck, take my M2P in my hand, go out, start up the system and walk away with my M2P flying in the air in front of me.
Since photography has a rather small meaning for me, I do not take the drone with me when I travel, too much trouble flying in unknown airspace.
I have to wait for an M3P, or any other brand that takes a quantum leap, when it comes to drone flying.