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Lights on a landing pad?

Welcome to the forum. We look forward to your participation and view of the world. I have not tried to light up my pad. You can find portable LED lights, single, multiple to light up your pad. Quick search of Interweb will produce results. I use Firehouse brand for my quads, any of which I could attach to my pad. You ask at the right place and should get many ideas from the members of this forum. Wish you well in your flying.
Thanks. This one is from and I do not plan to fly at night (of course) and do not understand why they bother, if there is no effect to the drone.
I don't know that lights are very practical. In the daylight I suspect not useful much if at all. I think that where they are useful is perhaps to let passers by know that there is a landing pad there and to alert them to a possible drone coming down and to stay away. But you don't want to be flying near people anyway. But as for help to you the pilot, probably not worth the investment and even time to turn them on and off.

The biggest advantage of the pad itself it to keep your Mini from becoming a weed-whacker because launching or landing in any length of grass will get tangled with the prop blade as the back end sits basically on the ground. In fact, unless you have to stay strictly under 250 grams I recommend getting a set of leg extensions that you can just leave on them. I think you will find lighting (strobe) on your Mini will be way more useful than lights on the landing pad. JME
Thanks for the feedback and I do own a strobe that attaches to the drone for better visibility. The pad company had a special deal that included the landing pad lights for free, so I was just wondering why they thought they were useful to the pilot or the drone?
I have purchased a landing pad for my MM and want to know the effect (if any) of the optional lights that can be attached to the landing pad?
Depends on which DJI your flying but with my M2Z, I would imagine that the precision landing would be influenced by the lights. The landing lights on the bottom of my aircraft have found the landing site from up a bit and steered it in with no lights on pad. But it got to about 20 foot till it "Saw" the take off point. If the pad was lit up, it only makes since that it would probably see it a bit higher up...but all in all...just a gimmick. :)

I fly a bit at dusk and on occasion I have to bring it in when the camera is pointed down. I couldn't really see the ground or obstacles. So I will check by looking at my nav lights and steer it down. IF the pad was lit then I could center over it from much higher (Safer) height. So I wouldn't mind getting one, for those...just in case situations ;)
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