Uggh, I misread the supported version from litchi (looks like only mavic air and not mavic air 2). I had the spark, and the most fun part for me by far was programming litchi waypoints, but the short flight time was an issue. So I upgraded to mavic air 2 and have great flight time but lost the litchi functionality
I understand they've been saying support is coming out for a while, but there is no firm date yet. I was considering biting the bullet and upgrading to the mavic pro or mavic pro 2, but I understand they are louder than then the mavic air 2? The low noise (particularly the low pitch) is one of my favorite things about mavic air 2, as it can hardly be heard at 100m height if there is a bit of background noise. Funny enough, this is my third drone - first I bought the mini but returned it because I learned about litchi. Then I bought the spark, but the short flight time was a big issue. So I thought 3d time would be the charm with the mavic air 2, but apparently not...
Has anyone heard anything new about when mavic air 2 might be supported by litchi? From the sounds of it, the mavic mini is close to having it, and is currently in beta. But it sounds like they are further away from supporting mavic air 2 if I'm reading it right. So it looks like as of right now, if I would like to have 30 min + flight time, low noise/pitch, and litchi support I can only pick 2 out of the 3 for the foreseeable future. Part of me wants to just hang on to the mavic air 2 and wait for litchi support - but who knows how long that will take. I'd probably be better off waiting to buy it as it may have come down in price by then, or some new model has been released. I am also quite interested in skydio 2, which looks like it will be available in december so I might go that route.

Has anyone heard anything new about when mavic air 2 might be supported by litchi? From the sounds of it, the mavic mini is close to having it, and is currently in beta. But it sounds like they are further away from supporting mavic air 2 if I'm reading it right. So it looks like as of right now, if I would like to have 30 min + flight time, low noise/pitch, and litchi support I can only pick 2 out of the 3 for the foreseeable future. Part of me wants to just hang on to the mavic air 2 and wait for litchi support - but who knows how long that will take. I'd probably be better off waiting to buy it as it may have come down in price by then, or some new model has been released. I am also quite interested in skydio 2, which looks like it will be available in december so I might go that route.