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Litchi waypoint mission/what happens after loss of signal?

cheers @bucefalo....
HANGER 360, brilliant .<snip>...
Hangers related (main) app Autopilot<snip>..
i was keen to charge on with Litchi but some of their flight modes are suspended pending bug fixes by dji (as reported in litchi site)

The DJI firmware bug that effected some of the Litchi flight modes also effected Autopilot and Hangar 360 in the same way. So using those apps would not have avoided that issue.

However DJI fixed the bug with the release of firmware .600 so none of the three aforementioned apps are effected by it anymore. If you are still on an old firmware that contains the bug, there is no point using the other apps as a fix, because they were equally effected.
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thanks @Logger

but how do we confirm the bug is fixed?

in the litchi site - whats new What's new - Litchi
no news of fix

Equally no mention of Litchi with firmware v.01.03.0600 being effected.

- due to a bug in the DJI firmware, Focus, Track and VR with Immersive/Joystick Head Tracking modes are no longer usable with the following drone models and firmware versions: Mavic Pro (v01.03.0550 and v01.03.0500),

The third party devs were all a bit vague as to what the specific bug was. Reading between the lines it apparently effected RTH behaviour. Hence it did not effect Autonomous modes that did not use RTH in Litchi or AP. But Hangar360 was always effected because they felt RTH was integral for its simple use even though not essential.

If you really want to test it I suppose you cold run a RTH in each of the litchi submodes. I am happy that is fixed unless Litchi say the firmware is specifically effected.
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Equally no mention of Litchi with firmware v.01.03.0600 being effected.

- due to a bug in the DJI firmware, Focus, Track and VR with Immersive/Joystick Head Tracking modes are no longer usable with the following drone models and firmware versions: Mavic Pro (v01.03.0550 and v01.03.0500),

The third party devs were all a bit vague as to what the specific bug was. Reading between the lines it apparently effected RTH behaviour. Hence it did not effect Autonomous modes that did not use RTH in Litchi or AP. But Hangar360 was always effected because they felt RTH was integral for its simple use even though not essential.

If you really want to test it I suppose you cold run a RTH in each of the litchi submodes. I am happy that is fixed unless Litchi say the firmware is specifically effected.

agree - prevention is better than cure ..
relying on comments threads helps but if it's important (like possible crash) then do a test in a non hazardous environment

Last night tested
Director Drone - lots of bugs (deleted)
Airnest - some bugs (not deleted)
Hanger 360 - 2nd time I've tried to create night 360 and it's failed to process. all day or evening with whopping lights have processed

app called "sun surveyor" brilliant for movement of the sun/moon and forecast shadow aspect which is what i need for city buildings

so I'm marching on with Litchi, will test focus and waypoints on 100 mtr rooftop city building (no roof access)

in regard Litchi - desktop hub i see you can move all waypoints as a group shift but can't see that option on the smartphone and that would be ideal when testing on site

news to share
my concern was knowing the accuracy of rooftops as they appear offcentre (on an angle) and therefore hesitation in placing waypoints
I realised results can be seen in "flight list", shows height and position on the map .. yey yey

This rooftop is 81 mtrs, the path is pretty accurate to the map. I fly another building at 310 mtrs and that shows a very different story re path on the map to the actual roof ie., my video shows i went past but the reply on the map (fligth list) shows i went over the roof..
the variance which makes sense as the rooftop is on an angle in the pic and will be exaggerated with more height.
The critical issue for planing waypoints is lock in the target height and nearest obstacle height and work the numbers

the path was not smooth, it was a night and I was testing flight modes so no need to judge

The outcome
waypoints: normal flight on site from ground to verify height of rooftop and nearby obstacles and distance between same

then set a mission to fly around the building which means you may lose signal however u can set the mission to complete waypoints.
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the desktop Hub includes useful tools, scale, rotate and move. I cant access these in the mobile device ?

The mobile device does not have these tools, they have other tools which are not in the desktop so get used to it.. doh !
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dji go app flight record, uploaded to FREE airdata Healty drones
Downloaded as CSV file, imported into Litchi Hub - will not read it (too many waypoints)
downloaded as a KML file, imported into Litchi Hub, data is not correct - false waypoints

opened google earth and imported KML file - SUCCESS
Google earth shows the flight path
NOTE: THE FLIGHT WAS DONE AT 11.30PM no one around

in GE you can view from all angles and check heights


IDEALLY: export the dji flight in CSV or KML file finto litchi to access the waypoints, the current work around is

Open dji app, view flight record, scroll to desired point, note the map co ordinates and type directly into litchi hub where it shows the map co ordinates for the waypoint.
I have run many missions with both Litchi and Autopilot where signal with the AC has been lost. I have found Litchi pauses at waypoints and takes a lot longer than it estimates, so you need to take that into account for a mission with many waypoints and over 15 minutes. Litchi also does not change the gimbal pitch once signal is lost. I intend to try with a waypoint mission with no curves an no interpolate which I believe are managed from the app during the flight so don't work with no signal. Autopilot waypoint missions set to continue on signal lost work very well. The mission fly as planned signal or not at set speed and heights. It adjusts the gimbal pitch only at waypoints in "continue mission" mode.
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Bought autopilot but not tried.
Litchi: like most clever gadgets if you don't focus on and understand the options you'll go crazy.
Litchi is quite clear that if you do not set waypoints to "straight" not curved the commands will not work becoz the drone cuts the corner (does not stop at the waypoint) BUT what about the waypoints where the lines are straight..

I've done a few tests and my results show after the 1st curve no commands and any straight point work so i have to make sure before engaging the mission I go into settings and override the style from curved lines to straight lines
I have had no problems with litchi great app I love it, I have run over 10 waypoint missions not one problem
IDEALLY: export the dji flight in CSV or KML file finto litchi to access the waypoints, the current work around is

Open dji app, view flight record, scroll to desired point, note the map co ordinates and type directly into litchi hub where it shows the map co ordinates for the waypoint.
You guys are reinventing the wheel.

I ALWAYS visualize my missions in Google Earth before flying them, often making adjustments to achieve better clearance or safe horizontal margins.

While the spatial data in GE is not super accurate -- I wouldn't rely on it for anything with less than a 100' margin -- I've found after dozens of missions using this technique that it has been accurate enough to plan disconnected missions with confidence and safety.

Here's a thread discussing how to export a Litchi mission and view it in GE:

Litchi: New terrain-following workflow

Also, check out post #12 in particular in addition to the first.
Bought autopilot but not tried.
Litchi: like most clever gadgets if you don't focus on and understand the options you'll go crazy.
Litchi is quite clear that if you do not set waypoints to "straight" not curved the commands will not work becoz the drone cuts the corner (does not stop at the waypoint) BUT what about the waypoints where the lines are straight..

I've done a few tests and my results show after the 1st curve no commands and any straight point work so i have to make sure before engaging the mission I go into settings and override the style from curved lines to straight lines

Thanks for that. I suspected that's why the gimbal pitch did not change after signal loss. I will my mission with "straight"
Just kidding, they're only steel. I don't plan on sending it out on anything ridiculous. Like I said, I have REALLY ****** reception here. I can't make it to the end of my 1/4 long street before I'm getting warnings and video blackouts.
Time to feedback your success ;-)
What have you found out ?
Fly the initial planned route using Litchi Virtual Mission and Google Earth Pro with the camera pointed straight ahead for testing. If you have set altitudes, or the route, incorrectly you will fly through the virtual building. Make adjustments in Litchi Hub, try again, until you get it right. Leave reasonable safety margins. Then set your POI's for the route. This is a good way to test your route without getting up on the building itself. I've used this to test routes for tall trees, power lines, and towers that may be in the way. It should work fine for your building. Better to hit a virtual building than the real thing!
I had a lost connectio using drone harmony for the first time last week. I have previously flown dozens of times with DH with no problem but this time i flew out about 1200m at 50 m height with xero problems tried the same mission at 30m and when behind a highrise block lost signal. DH just continued with the mission and reconected when it came back from behind the building.
Ok guys and gals. I’m prepared for the variety of answers but why would you be concerned about the whereabouts or losing the aircraft unless it’s a “flyaway” or you’re not maintaining VLOS??

If you can see it even on Waypoint missions, wouldn’t that give you complete confidence?

Honest answers will make us all better Unmanned Pilots, do any of us fly with the aircraft out of sight?

Ok guys and gals. I’m prepared for the variety of answers but why would you be concerned about the whereabouts or losing the aircraft unless it’s a “flyaway” or you’re not maintaining VLOS??

If you can see it even on Waypoint missions, wouldn’t that give you complete confidence?

Honest answers will make us all better Unmanned Pilots, do any of us fly with the aircraft out of sight?

Sorry but don’t quite get your post, what exactly are you asking ?
No worries IC. Thanks for reply. I’ve seen many post from people saying they fly waypoints, fly 2000 ft away, and fly around and over large bldgs.
my question is simply, would you have that issue if you had constant VLOS?

I wonder if people fly with their UAV a long distant away And not have it in sight.

if so, how do you know of hazards and even manned aircraft?
Cheers Doc, my answer is yes, I do fly beyond VLOS on occasion, especially with Litchi wp missions.
This is an old/ongoing topic.
To stay within vlos is, I believe, brought on from rules related to uav like rc planes and helis with no onboard ‘live” video system. It’s VITAL to keep your eyes on the aircraft or how is it possible to know where it is at all and especially which direction it’s going etc - impossible dangerous!
Just because a model a/c is ‘unmanned’ does not make it dangerous, it’s lack of control that makes it dangerous whether that is 20m away or 200m away.
I do not believe that ‘anyone’ can visually control an a/c at the limits of vlos.

HOWEVER our (my) drones are always in visual control with its onboard camera.
I know where it is, what it’s doing and where it’s going.
It does not matter if it fails at 200’ above my head in open ground or drop from 300’ in open ground whilst 1000m away - what matters is what it will drop onto.
I fly complete golf courses with programmed litchi wp’s at 150’ AGL. Flying a single 18 hole programmed mission watching on screen is no more ‘dangerous’ than flying 18 x single hole by hole flights in vlos using the same fully programmed flight with me close by!
I like and understand your perspective. Thank you. I’m a novice and I want to enhance the privilege and not bring bad habits.

coincidentally, I’m flying golf courses. What altitude have you found to be desirable for good viewing, provided the trees are low enough?
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