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Lookin' Official With An FAA Lanyard


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
The certificate from the FAA looks a little lame to me, so I thought this would be better. A laminated photo ID version, worn about the neck with a lanyard. Anybody wearing something like that must know what they're doing, right?
The certificate from the FAA looks a little lame to me, so I thought this would be better. A laminated photo ID version, worn about the neck with a lanyard. Anybody wearing something like that must know what they're doing, right?
View attachment 34679

Have you experienced any problems with people?

If I’m in an area where I think there might be difficulties I just put on my vest:


Never had any negative reactions...mostly just curiosity. I have been approached a few times in an ‘official’ capacity while flying by public utilities, the fire department and law enforcement, but they just want to know how they might be able to use a drone in their work.

They also have designs for recreational pilots if you are not Part 107...
Have you experienced any problems with people?

Actually, no. Everyone who's approached me so far is just interested in the aircraft. Most people don't seem to care much.

They also have designs for recreational pilots if you are not Part 107...

Maybe I'll look into that. How freakin' official-looking can you get? :D
Actually, no. Everyone who's approached me so far is just interested in the aircraft. Most people don't seem to care much.

Maybe I'll look into that. How freakin' official-looking can you get? :D

Right...sometimes I add a hardhat and stick my aviation handheld radio in the front vest pocket...LifeFlight helicopter shows up here on occasion so I like to know when they are inbound so I can land quickly...
I have the vest also, has a pocket for your FAA registration. Found that it makes people ask more questions about drones than complain.
OMG. Lets not make flying a toy drone require a "special" outfit. I have no desire to make myself stand out to bystanders, or to appear like I am anything other than a grown man flying a remote controlled toy.
Lets leave that to the cyclists, and REAL officials....
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If you are not a Part 107 pilot you can always opt for a different outfit...the Indian Chief, cop, sailor or biker...LOL.

It’s up to you...when I fly it’s not a ‘toy’.

Besides...if you’re approached alway be nice...goes a long way, regardless if what you’re wearing.

Fly safe!
OMG. Lets not make flying a toy drone require a "special" outfit. I have no desire to make myself stand out to bystanders, or to appear like I am anything other than a grown man flying a remote controlled toy.
Lets leave that to the cyclists, and REAL officials....
It's to inform the public that you are registered with the FAA. Nothing more or less than that. Drones are toys but because they can fly further than regular RC fixed wings, they need to be piloted with responsibility.
It's to inform the public that you are registered with the FAA. Nothing more or less than that. Drones are toys but because they can fly further than regular RC fixed wings, they need to be piloted with responsibility.

It’s not the public’s business. If an FAA special agent shows up, show him your papers, but Grandpa Joe and Aunt Betty who are having the vapors over the presence of a drone? Go have airborne reproductive acts with a nutating pastry.
It’s not the public’s business. If an FAA special agent shows up, show him your papers, but Grandpa Joe and Aunt Betty who are having the vapors over the presence of a drone? Go have airborne reproductive acts with a nutating pastry.

Now that is well put and funny!
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