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Loss of signal MP 2


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2019
Just sufferd my first complete loss of signal. I got a "weak signal" flag and the screen on my iPhone 6 froze at the same time and fraction of a second later the screen went black. Rebooted the the Go4 app but was still black. I hit the return to home and did not get the "Return to home" voice or the beep beep.

Altitude, distance on the RC went blank. What seemed like forever the RTH "beep beep" finally started going off and view came back on the phone. Landed and called it a day. The flight record from the app shows a flight time of 9m 06 seconds. It comes back at 9:58 seconds. Downloaded the txt file but it says basically the same thing. The event remark is "Downlink lost".

Are those 52 seconds retrievable somewhere or are they an eternal mystery? The movie shows some backing up turning about 90 degrees from home, hovering there a few seconds, turning to home and finally flying home. It never lost GPS.

Home Point, sweet home point. Don't leave Home without it.
If you get the drone back, you will always have all the flight data stored on the internal storage of the drone. This recording starts when the drone powers up and stops when the drone powers down. The status of the uplink and downlink is recorded but not used in any way in the drone flight data logs.

Photos and videos of the missing time should be on the SD card from the drone. Take the card out and copy them to your computer.
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