I'll try to keep the story short. I was flying my drone for a car shoot, and I was in said car. Wasn't a long drive. Nearly finished, when my phone freezes. We get out of the car, and I try to fix my phone. It's dead frozen. I then start to panic a little. We can see the drone, but just barely, very barely. Tried to fly it towards us but to no avail. Due to battery it wanted to fly home, but I didnt let it, as I wasn't where "home" was anymore. Then, battery got critical, and took off on its own. It didnt fly towards me, nor the original "home" point. Then the remote said landing.
Anyway, the DJI App flight record and find my drone features are useless, as my phone froze, so it only has information up until that freezing point. So my drone is very lost. Searched everywhere, with a full search party mind you.
I have sent DJI not only the flight logs (which are again useless for it's where abouts), but also the files off the RC black box. As the RC was connected to it until the end, I really hope there could be a location hidden in it's files. What do you guys think? Is there hope?
And if not, will I get a discount or replacement? Because this really sucks, and is at least 80 percent DJI's fault.