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lost in water can u read logs?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
BC Canada
prob my fault. I have insurance but cannot retrieve drone in 200 feet of water. I assume DJI wont do a thing so can someone here analyze if i upload logs? Briefly, i was flying over a lake nearing a cliff heading forward and lowering left stick- landing assist **had** been off and at 3 meters it plumitted- saw a lost signal message seemingly before hitting water. Many other details but don't want to make a novel....yet. If someone willing then i will try and upload- out of town , no computer....please advise how- saw video using itunes looked easy enough- ? upload to google drive? or drone health? let me know....thx!
prob my fault. I have insurance but cannot retrieve drone in 200 feet of water. I assume DJI wont do a thing so can someone here analyze if i upload logs? Briefly, i was flying over a lake nearing a cliff heading forward and lowering left stick- landing assist **had** been off and at 3 meters it plumitted- saw a lost signal message seemingly before hitting water. Many other details but don't want to make a novel....yet. If someone willing then i will try and upload- out of town , no computer....please advise how- saw video using itunes looked easy enough- ? upload to google drive? or drone health? let me know....thx!
Best to just upload it here. They're small enough.
Hi again, I've down loaded 'flightrecords, flightlogs and export flight records folders. The youtube said it was the flightrecords- do I open the folder and upload the '.txt' files or ? There is also a folder in the flightrecords called MCdatFlightRecords. thx
Here's google drive link

here's the story. Flying yesterday with landing assist off. I've done 43 flights. No trouble ever. I was heading down and straight to cliff planning to do an 'elevator' up the cliff. I've been flying 3 meters above water a lot. Today, i went to use the C2 button to bring up the gimble - it failed. I went to dial the gimble up past 90 degrees and the button in settings, which was on yesterday, was off. This was weird to me as there has been no update, and in the past it maintains the previous days settings. ( i SHOULD have brought it in to landing and check things out but foolishly went onward with my flight) Now, here's more my fault- I have checked through all the settings every flight.....except today I DIDN"T= I"m an idiot. The visual from my friend was down to 10 ft off water then plummet. In the video it looks more gradual. Stick wise i let off at a visual on the app at 4 meters after stopping forward movement. it just kept going. I just want to find out if the landing assist was magically back on despite being off yesterday ( and I haven't had it magically reset to on all by itself before- but again I stand to be corrected-been wrong before AND I should have looked before flying today).
I loaded vids on google drive and flight logs but don't know what i'm doing there as stated above - let me know thx ahead- just wanna know if i more than partially f'd up.....(+:
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no worries appreciate any input. I sent everything to Dji. They responded 4 times in 24 hours. I'm not hopeful but I appreciated their response time.
At first glance, anyone will probably say you drove it into the water, but your logs do indeed end at 4m above the water. I saw you immediately pulled up when the drone disconnected but then the log itself ends. If you ask me, it looks like a mid-air power failure. Was the battery in securely?

@BudWalker what does the calibration status mean. I noted that it was persistent throughout his flight in the flycommand/flightstate signal.
At first glance, anyone will probably say you drove it into the water, but your logs do indeed end at 4m above the water. I saw you immediately pulled up when the drone disconnected but then the log itself ends. If you ask me, it looks like a mid-air power failure. Was the battery in securely?

@BudWalker what does the calibration status mean. I noted that it was persistent throughout his flight in the flycommand/flightstate signal.
Don't know. That value value comes directly form TXTlogToCSVtool, the app that converts the .txt to a .csv.
Here are the possible values that flycCommand can have
i had read a thread about battery tightness a while back and since then i snap it in firmly with 2 thumbs. The video i loaded on my google link above shuts off before the water and my spotter said the drone dropped from 10 feet like a rock and figured it woulda smashed if the water were concrete. From my control view point i let off on right forward then let off on left down when i could visually see 4 meters on the dji ( i'm using a full sunhood/ homemade goggle set up) so i would have expected maybe a slight drift to 3 meteres. I have been doing that a lot over last many weeks all ocean/lake flying and was of course shocked that it kept going. if i flew it into the water i woulda thought the camera would have recorded that right?
Here's Dji's analysis:

Thanks for your patience.

For your claimed case CAS-660795-W6R6J8, we have already finished the analysis, and the result is as follows:

1.The aircraft was piloted under P-GPS mode, and responded to the pilot’s control well;
2.The pilot pressed full stick descent and forward until t=08:17 above water;
3.At t=08:18, downward momentum carried unit into water.

According to the analysis, the incident was not caused by any product malfunction factors. As such, we could not provide warranty service.

Should you have more questions, please feel free to let me know.

Best Regards,

DJI Tech Support
DJI - The Future Of Possible

So, I'm wondering: 1) if I let off at 4 meters - is it reasonable that drift took it into the water
2) why did the camera shut off at 4 meters above the water
3) my spotter saw it drop the last 4 meters as if it had no control

thoughts? or did I just fly it into the water after all due to momentum?
ps I guess the only good news is that if I buy another Mavic I will feel better about not losing money due to product failure in the future- but then again being the idiot I am I should probable rethink that....(+:
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That looks like complete bs to me. The second I let go of the stick on mine it hovers right in place..
That looks like complete bs to me. The second I let go of the stick on mine it hovers right in place..
Thanks for the supportive comment. I wrote a thoughtful letter of disappointment and I they said they didn't understand what I meant by my comments. She then offered 15% off so I just went with it and bought another drone by itself ( no controller/ charger). On a lighter note, the speed of shipping was shocking compared to the first time- shipped in one day and almost here a few days later.... again thx.
again, I really appreciate your support. I have mixed feelings on effort vs movin on. it cost me 645 American for another drone which feels not so bad. My biggest issue, as is for many, is that I live on an Island and am constantly flying over water- so my 'non transferable refresh' is toast and I don't see the point of renewing that when it feels like I'll always be over deep water. I debated over giving up the hobby but the joy of flying, getting footage, then the fun of editing and for me the best is extracting photos from the footage and blowing em up for framing is too great. If i loose another soon, well......


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my last post on this. I have my new Mavic , which worked for an hour or so before this '*&^% stupid can't recalibrate the vision sensors thing' started for me ( i see many others prior on other threads). I tried all kinds of imitation maneuvers just like i had done over the lake where it crashed and DJI had concluded 'it drifted' into the water from 4 meters after descending. Well, I can tell you now with certainty with full down and forward throttle that when I let off of the sticks in normal p mode it pretty much stops instantly barely a foot of drift. I did this over and over....same result.
I can understand both points of view, yours and also DJI. The problem is, there is no proof to DJI for your and your friend's observations. The log ends 4m above water and there could be lots of reasons for that, e.g. shielded radio transmission by some obstacle. The only real proof is stored within the Mavic's blackbox and that is no longer available.
From DJI's view you can imagine how many customers who have crashed their Mavics by their own stupidness are trying to get a replacement Mavic for free by blaming DJI for their crash...
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i agree 100% which is why i just got on with buying a new one- it 'could' have drifted just was against all my previous (limited) experience. I felt a 'fair' resolution might have been 30% off in this exact circumstance... but thats nitpicking... thx
Camera pry shut off cuz the MP had total power loss. Only thing I can think of. If battery was in fully doesn't mean that battery can't still have a complete shut down. Just sayin...
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