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M2Z IMU Calibration Weirdness


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
Island Swamp
Prepping for first flight this morning and start the IMU Calibration Process.
I get to step 3, and the photo is the drone, sitting on its feet (as in step one) but turned 135 degrees or so counter clockwise from step one, which is looking at the left side.
I comply, and it sits there blinking green at me....forever, and the app isn't advancing.
I remembered from the tutorial video one of the positions was sitting on the tail pointing up, so I eventually tried that and it passed thru step 3.
The same thing happened on step 5 with a photo of a position that Go4 didn't like and I kept slowly turning it until it stopped flashing green and completed.

Anybody else have this issue or heard of it?

I calibrated the compass after that and the first flight went ok, although I didn't go far or do any radical maneuvering.
I believe this is a known error with the go 4 app pictures displaying the wrong position for some of the stages.
Thanks. Do I assume since it passed that the orientation I had it in was what it was looking for?
It seems a bit bizarre if that's the way it works.
I'm guessing it's just fine tuning the accelerometer knows what orientation it's in, generally
Apologies as I don't own one (yet-it's on order) but I did hear about this issue in the forum. I'd guess that the steps should be the same as the original Mavic Pro, so if you did that and it's flying OK, it should be fine.
No worries. I'm going to see if I can find something showing the steps because I was guessing at what it was looking for. Even though it flew ok the first time, with my luck, it might turn upside down and inside out on me.

Thanks for the reply. Being someone that's only had a couple of really cheap quads, this thing is righteous, and a bit daunting, but hopefully I'll get it figured out soon. I'm getting old and my brain only retains so much anymore.
I'm re watching it now and about to re calibrate. Or seems to show all 5 steps. Thanks
I had the same problem with my zoom. The positions shown on my phone did not match up with what the calibration process was looking for. Performed the calibration using the steps for a regular mavic Pro and it worked fine.
Thanks, going to re calibrate when I get home just to be sure
Why are you re-calibrating your IMU?
Because the pictures in Go4 for steps 3 and 5 are incorrect and the positions in the video are not what I had it turned at when the software passed those steps, if that makes sense. It seems to fly ok, but I'm in beginner mode still and want to be sure everything is in order before I turn it off and venture out.

Assistant also hung up on the side obstacle sensors, but I won't rely on them, so I wasn't overly concerned with those. I will try to re calibrate them again at some point on a different monitor though
IMU or compass? Lots of things can falsely indicate compass issues. It even complains of mag interference when folded up.
IMU or compass? Lots of things can falsely indicate compass issues. It even complains of mag interference when folded up.

Good point... maybe it is just the compass... BTW, where is the compass calibration stuff?
My app on the phone keeps telling me I need to do it, even after I do it... ugh...

Ah, not good, apparently the android version shows an in correct step! The DJI support pages show the correct sequences.

IMU calibrations are usually painless, I only do them on repaired drones, usually only take a couple of mins.

Check out the videos on the support pages and ignor the images in the App.
Good point... maybe it is just the compass... BTW, where is the compass calibration stuff?

Compass calibration is under Advanced, sensors, then compass tab. You will get a calibrate compass error when you carry out an IMU calibration, just ignor it it’s because the arms are folded, it will go away once they are folded out.
Thanks everyone. I also finally got Assistant 2 to install and recognize the M2Z on my laptop and got the lateral sensors calibrated.
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