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MA2 batteries not holding charge

No I don’t ever leave lipo batteries on a charger longer than necessary. They are too unpredictable.

Something seems defective then with your batteries or charger. My Mavic Air 2 batteries self-discharge like clockwork according to the schedule DJI describes in their manual.
Are you sure that it has only been two days and you just haven't drank too many beers and in reality it's been about 4 or 5 days? Lol just kidding man..... That is definitely unusual behavior..... From what I've read usually it takes a few days to start really discharging down to 70%, so that is odd I wouldn't know from experience because I usually just charge the batteries up when I want to go out and then when I'm done flying I usually just keep it right where it's at..... a light and one light blinking perfect storage charge also it's about 25%.... 25% sounds low with standard LiPO batteries but we have to remember these are HV lipos and the voltage is still 3.75 volts per cell when sitting at 25%.... which is perfect for storage ???I know you probably didn't need all that extra information but I can't help it I'm all hopped up on mountain dew ???
You having four batteries for your large RC car doesn't mean that you know plenty about LiPO batteries I'm just saying dude you're ready stated something I would never do with lipos and that is keep them full for several days..... I mean sh#t if you got the money I guess it doesn't matter
But I do know plenty about RC car lipos. They will stay fully charged for several days and traxxas says put in storage mode if you don’t plan on using them for more than a week. Lipo’s are also required to be charged in a fireproof bag but it’s funny that these DJI batteries don’t need to be, or do they...
But I do know plenty about RC car lipos. They will stay fully charged for several days and traxxas says put in storage mode if you don’t plan on using them for more than a week. Lipo’s are also required to be charged in a fireproof bag but it’s funny that these DJI batteries don’t need to be, or do they...
I mean that's up to you personally if you have lipos laying around the house I would keep them in a fire safe bag because in the end the DJI batteries are a lipo they just have some smart electronics in them that make them more safer but you never know what could happen yeah man use a fire safe bag or some kind of ammunition box trust me I've seen lipos do some weird stuff.... You should always watch your lipos charge too I mean not hawk them but at least be in the same room or close by I even do this with the DJI lipos ya know.... At least I'm there and if something was to happen I could try to take care of it. ideally and a smart way to do it is if you have a shed or some type of garage you should charge out there. Honestly the smart thing to do is to not charge in your house where you have kids and family. I say this but I don't actually do it I still charge in my house I just keep an eye on them. About 5 years ago I had a 45C turnigy 3s lipo go up while charging what happened and what alerted me was the sweet smell of only way I can describe it was like nail polish remover or something. when I went rushing over to it I could see that the cells were being overcharged and yeah that thing started hissing popping and then right as I got out the door it engulfed in some bluish orange flames it was kind of scary not even going to lie.... And when they go up they go up. Anyways my man I think and this is just a suggestion you should just keep your xmax batteries at a storage charge because in the end keeping them fully charged like that is no good for the lipos and yes they might work great.... but I guarantee you the punch will be gone that you first had when you purchased the batteries.... At least I can notice this when I was first starting out and I learned my lesson.....another thing is when I was flying my heli's I could really notice this because you always wanted to try to typically get a high "c" rating lipo and man you had to really baby them things and take care of them or you were definitely suffering in the performance part of it. Also another application that really suffered if you didn't take care of lipos was when I converted my e-revo for speed and was achieving 100mph.... So yeah I mean I guess it's really irrelevant for these drones because they're never really demanding so much from the battery I think flying with the mavic air 2 demands about 6.6 amps but I guarantee you these batteries are no more than 30C so they still get warm .....still you definitely want your battery to be healthy you know what I mean? you don't want a cell to just crap out because you've been leaving it fully charged for two or three months.... Also keeping them fully charged will result in puffy lipo's I know you say you don't do it with the mavic but trust me you don't want it to happen with the drone because there's so little space when you put that battery in that compartment any little bit of puffing could result in disaster as we seen on this forum people will come back from a flight and the battery will be sticking up a few millimeters and some people don't make it through a whole flight. Not trying to lecture u or anything like that. Just trying to spread the little knowledge i have . ??
I mean that's up to you personally if you have lipos laying around the house I would keep them in a fire safe bag because in the end the DJI batteries are a lipo they just have some smart electronics in them that make them more safer but you never know what could happen yeah man use a fire safe bag or some kind of ammunition box trust me I've seen lipos do some weird stuff.... You should always watch your lipos charge too I mean not hawk them but at least be in the same room or close by I even do this with the DJI lipos ya know.... At least I'm there and if something was to happen I could try to take care of it. ideally and a smart way to do it is if you have a shed or some type of garage you should charge out there. Honestly the smart thing to do is to not charge in your house where you have kids and family. I say this but I don't actually do it I still charge in my house I just keep an eye on them. About 5 years ago I had a 45C turnigy 3s lipo go up while charging what happened and what alerted me was the sweet smell of only way I can describe it was like nail polish remover or something. when I went rushing over to it I could see that the cells were being overcharged and yeah that thing started hissing popping and then right as I got out the door it engulfed in some bluish orange flames it was kind of scary not even going to lie.... And when they go up they go up. Anyways my man I think and this is just a suggestion you should just keep your xmax batteries at a storage charge because in the end keeping them fully charged like that is no good for the lipos and yes they might work great.... but I guarantee you the punch will be gone that you first had when you purchased the batteries.... At least I can notice this when I was first starting out and I learned my lesson.....another thing is when I was flying my heli's I could really notice this because you always wanted to try to typically get a high "c" rating lipo and man you had to really baby them things and take care of them or you were definitely suffering in the performance part of it. Also another application that really suffered if you didn't take care of lipos was when I converted my e-revo for speed and was achieving 100mph.... So yeah I mean I guess it's really irrelevant for these drones because they're never really demanding so much from the battery I think flying with the mavic air 2 demands about 6.6 amps but I guarantee you these batteries are no more than 30C so they still get warm .....still you definitely want your battery to be healthy you know what I mean? you don't want a cell to just crap out because you've been leaving it fully charged for two or three months.... Also keeping them fully charged will result in puffy lipo's I know you say you don't do it with the mavic but trust me you don't want it to happen with the drone because there's so little space when you put that battery in that compartment any little bit of puffing could result in disaster as we seen on this forum people will come back from a flight and the battery will be sticking up a few millimeters and some people don't make it through a whole flight. Not trying to lecture u or anything like that. Just trying to spread the little knowledge i have . ??
Yeah I’m always very careful with my lipos. I’m just amazed that DJI doesn’t require fireproof bags. If you take on a plane you have to have them in a bag. Plus, I’ll also mention that you can’t leave the DJI batteries fully charged ever since they start losing charge within a few hours forcing you to charge them before “every” flight, which was my original point. I’ll just deal with it ???
If you take on a plane you have to have them in a bag.

That's not the case in the USA, either with the TSA or airlines. The only requirement is that they must be in your carry-on and not checked baggage.
I have no qualms about flying with the slight or even modest discharge I get from the battery sitting a day or two. The drone fly's with a discharged battery all the time..I don't get the concern. Just make sure you stick the tank before takeoff ;)
That's not the case in the USA, either with the TSA or airlines. The only requirement is that they must be in your carry-on and not checked baggage.

To clarify, the requirement besides being in carry on in the USA (requirement from FAA, not TSA) is that they are protected from the terminals being shorted. Many ways to do that beyond the battery bags that are sold (puting them in their own "pockets" in a bag, capping or taping the terminals, put them in plastic bags, etc... but they can't "legally" be roaming around lose in a bag with a bunch of other stuff. Not sure its ever been enforced, but it is a good idea in general.
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Today I have some flights.I have fully charged the 3 batteries 2 days ago.
One of my three batteries has discharged to 60%.The other two was 96%.I have got the same "problem" one month ago.I marked this battery to see if this insists.
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That's not the case in the USA, either with the TSA or airlines. The only requirement is that they must be in your carry-on and not checked baggage.
and most prob a tape applied over the least with Qantas
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