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MA2 battery question


Active Member
Premium Pilot
Sep 4, 2023
Plainville, Kansas
The batteries on my MA2 have always given me the "return to home point / low battery" alert at about 15%. Didn't really matter how far out I was. That was always plenty to either manually or automatically return to home. Today on 2 different batteries the alert came across the screen at 30% percent. I cleared it and flew fine until I landed it manually at about 15%. The drone was within 100 feet of my location both times with nothing in the way between it and the RC. The last time as I was landing it 15% it gave me a low battery-landing message as it was about 2 feet from the ground. Is something going on with the drone? Something with the batteries? Has anyone run into this before?
Share your flight log from that flight... without that, all you will get is speculations.

Go here & upload the log which is stored in the screen device you flew with --> PhantomHelp Log viewer
Then share the link they provide once you've uploaded in this thread, in a new post.

(Scroll down there a bit & they describe exactly where in your screen device the logs are stored)
There's a low battery warning and extremely low warning. These are preset at factory but can be reset in the app if you want to change them.
There's a low battery warning and extremely low warning. These are preset at factory but can be reset in the app if you want to change them.
Which app and where in that app would that be an option? I have DJIFly and can see the Battery Info screen but do not see where to review the battery warning settings.
...but do not see where to review the battery warning settings.
...alert at about 15%. ...Today on 2 different batteries the alert came across the screen at 30% percent....15% it gave me a low battery-landing message as it was about 2 feet from the ground.

Something with the batteries?
The battery warnings mentioned in post #3 is only audible & totally pilot configurable ... they will neither cause landings or RTH.

What can cause landings though ... is that your batteries starts to give up in one or several cells with major voltage drops making the drone auto land due to a severe low voltage. All this will be detectable in a flight log where a uncommanded landing occurs. So follow the guide in post #2 in order to decrypt the log making it readable & check the battery cell voltages... & if you want assistance share the log here in this thread.
Today I fully charged all three batteries and then let the drone hover indoors until it ran through all 3 batteries. Low battery warning on all 3 batteries at 15% as normal. Canceled auto landing. All 3 then flew until 10% and then landed normally. Now I'm confused. DJI said the drone/ battery determines when it is necessary to give auto land warning. However flight conditions a couple days ago were not anything unusual from any previous flights. The plan now is observe drone battery use during the next few flights outdoors and go from there.

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