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MA2 Sent in for Bad Motors


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
St. Lawrence County NY
I shipped my MA2 from NY to DJI in California on August 19 for two bad motors. 15 days from the time I shipped it out I received my package from DJI. When I opened it I was expecting to find my MA2 with two new motors. To my surprise they ended up sending me a new MA2 rather than replacing the two motors. I'm impressed with how fast the whole process was completed especially when you consider it was traveling for 11 of the 15 days.
That's pretty common for DJI to send back a new or refurbished unit. They will repair yours and offer it as a refurb for sale or replacement to someone else. They have also gotten a bit more efficient with their service, and it's good to hear a story of a satisfied customer rather than one that is all worked up...Thumbswayup
That's pretty common for DJI to send back a new or refurbished unit. They will repair yours and offer it as a refurb for sale or replacement to someone else. They have also gotten a bit more efficient with their service, and it's good to hear a story of a satisfied customer rather than one that is all worked up...Thumbswayup

Yeah, most people only post about customer support when there is a problem and not when things go as they should.
I truly like the idea of full replacement, however I have read about so many problems mostly software related. I have become really confident in the zoom I have, getting a new drone could give me a whole other set of problems rather than a motor gone bad but that is the good and the bad. All bets are off are off about trusting the drone I have if I crash it!!!!!!!

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DJI no longer actually repairs drones, despite the nomenclature. They issue a repair estimate and when it is paid, they send out a new aircraft unit in a plain box, and keep your original unit. Just be aware of this, if your original unit had older FW that is essential to your use, as the new replacement aircraft likely has the newest anti-rollback FW.
DJI no longer actually repairs drones, despite the nomenclature. They issue a repair estimate and when it is paid, they send out a new aircraft unit in a plain box, and keep your original unit. Just be aware of this, if your original unit had older FW that is essential to your use, as the new replacement aircraft likely has the newest anti-rollback FW.

Mine came in the regular DJI MA2 labeled box and was sealed in plastic. I had to upgrade it to the newest firmware once I powered it up.
Mine came in the regular DJI MA2 labeled box and was sealed in plastic. I had to upgrade it to the newest firmware once I powered it up.
The date of manufacture on the box determines the FW version installed. The FW does not get updated after manufacture. MA2 really doesn't have an issue, as it is too new. On the Mavic 2's, however, it is a major issue. Early FW versions allowed self authorization of all blue authorization zones, and FW rollbacks. If your original aircraft needed any repairs, you lost a major benefit when the aircraft that replaced it had the newer anti-rollback FW and required DJI unlocks for all blue authorization zones.
DJI no longer actually repairs drones, despite the nomenclature. They issue a repair estimate and when it is paid, they send out a new aircraft unit in a plain box, and keep your original unit. Just be aware of this, if your original unit had older FW that is essential to your use, as the new replacement aircraft likely has the newest anti-rollback FW.
Not seen this anti rollback firmware ? i just checked my MA2 after reading this ,i am on the latest firmware and there is an option to roll back still.
I completely agree that the FW must move forward and there is no going back but I hate the thought of getting a replacement drone with a bad bad update, bad solder joint or some other important defect when just a motor or arm is the problem when the drone I had was perfect for 6 months or so.

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