Hi there, I had an issue yesterday flying nearby a photovoltaic solar farm.
On turning on the Mavic, I very quickly got the message "Magnetic interference" (or something close) displayed on the remote. I thought this would be fixed by calibrating the compass - although not 100% sure that these 2 are linked and that it could fix my issue. But I'm used to calibrating the compass on each location change, so that's what I did.
After 1st calibration, still some interference shown, so I did a second one, and then not more interference message (if I remember well)
I then started flying around the farm, photos, video, all good. But then quite suddently, I started to get some obstacle avoidance messages and braking, while being in open air without any obstacle nor birds nor anything. This actually became worse to the point of having to fly sideways to be able to move back.
I then disabled the sensors in the DJI GO menu and the bird flew ok. However, I couldn't use any of the smart functions, such as point of interest, nor dronedeploy, as all do seem to re-activate the sensors...
I ended up in a situation where the Mavic wouldn't move at all, even after pressing go home, which I can understand if it detected (fake) obstacles all around....
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I'd like to know if potential magnetic interference could be creating these obstacle avoidance issues? have anyone experience similar issues?
I would like to (try to) understand with logs, can anyone point me on how to retreive logs for this flight?
On turning on the Mavic, I very quickly got the message "Magnetic interference" (or something close) displayed on the remote. I thought this would be fixed by calibrating the compass - although not 100% sure that these 2 are linked and that it could fix my issue. But I'm used to calibrating the compass on each location change, so that's what I did.
After 1st calibration, still some interference shown, so I did a second one, and then not more interference message (if I remember well)
I then started flying around the farm, photos, video, all good. But then quite suddently, I started to get some obstacle avoidance messages and braking, while being in open air without any obstacle nor birds nor anything. This actually became worse to the point of having to fly sideways to be able to move back.
I then disabled the sensors in the DJI GO menu and the bird flew ok. However, I couldn't use any of the smart functions, such as point of interest, nor dronedeploy, as all do seem to re-activate the sensors...
I ended up in a situation where the Mavic wouldn't move at all, even after pressing go home, which I can understand if it detected (fake) obstacles all around....
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I'd like to know if potential magnetic interference could be creating these obstacle avoidance issues? have anyone experience similar issues?
I would like to (try to) understand with logs, can anyone point me on how to retreive logs for this flight?