I have been using my Mavic 2 Zoom using Pilot PE and then putting it together with Web ODM. My goal is to utilize it for those who are into genealogy to map cemeteries. Primarily old ones. Many times they are in remote areas.
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It has been a learning curve and I have had mixed results The cemeteries that are out in the open where there are no tall trees around them I have had incredible results on. Those that have woods around them many times it is a different matter.
My main issue is getting enough perimeter around the cemetery to crop and rotate the image after it is processed in WebODM. For some reason the part with the trees will not show up on the map. It will instead be blank and the image will be odd shaped. I had been flying at 100' AGL. I flew yesterday on one that had been giving me the greatest issue and went to 150' AGL and then flew it again at 200' AGL. The results were better. Do any of you have an input on improving on this issue without flying at an extremely high altitude?
Obviously the lower I can fly more detail that I am getting.
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It has been a learning curve and I have had mixed results The cemeteries that are out in the open where there are no tall trees around them I have had incredible results on. Those that have woods around them many times it is a different matter.
My main issue is getting enough perimeter around the cemetery to crop and rotate the image after it is processed in WebODM. For some reason the part with the trees will not show up on the map. It will instead be blank and the image will be odd shaped. I had been flying at 100' AGL. I flew yesterday on one that had been giving me the greatest issue and went to 150' AGL and then flew it again at 200' AGL. The results were better. Do any of you have an input on improving on this issue without flying at an extremely high altitude?
Obviously the lower I can fly more detail that I am getting.
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