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Mavic 2 Pro - Waypoint programming Error?


New Member
May 28, 2020
Is there a Mavic 2 pro waypoint flaw in programming? I have AC on 5.100, remote on 5.100, and a crystalsky 5.5 newest updates/firmware . setup waypoints , press go, set options "on loss of connection: continue" and "when done: return to home" when it gets to a place where connection is lost it does continue mission, my problem is when it receives the weakest signaling ( I'm still expecting it to go to next way point like I told it to when I uploaded the mission) my CS says "lost video return to home?”) and in yellow text says something like " can't continue in this flight mode" I've ignored it, and pressed no, nothing works, it sits there and hovers. Yet if I sent a mission where signal is lost completely with no chance of a weak signal thatll show get to the remote for a second it'll do all waypoints and return to home when done. Is this the fault of the AC, Remote, or CS? And has anyone figured out a way to fix this? If I have it set to continue if loss which , why am I being prompted for anything? And WTF is it sitting there hovering for? DJI will only say " thanks for bringing this up I'll send it to the technical department" one fix (a very bad one that does work) is to upload mission let it start to fly away and turn the remote off. Any other apps with waypoints/missions worth having? I haven't tried any yet and not sure how good they are.

Thank you.
I had this problem recently and all sorts of weird things happening, in hyperlapse waypoints as well. I factory reset my CS Ultra and it has been perfect since... Also make sure you turn off the Wifi whilst flying...
Go to Settings>backup & Reset>Factory Data Reset... it keeps most of your camera, video and gimbals settings etc...
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Is there a Mavic 2 pro waypoint flaw in programming? I have AC on 5.100, remote on 5.100, and a crystalsky 5.5 newest updates/firmware
It's possible that your combination of the 'old' GO4 v4.3.16 on your CS does not 100% cooperate with your latest AC firmware (v01.00.0510)
According to the release notes, you need GO4 v4.3.24 minimum, because DJI 'optimized waypoints'. (as we speak, v4.3.37 (iOS) is the current one, so CS GO4 is a few versions behind)

Any other apps with waypoints/missions worth having? I haven't tried any yet and not sure how good they are.
You could try the Pilot app mission planner on your CS (pre-installed on your CS)
There is Litchi, which you could try also for a few bucks.

Personally, I had given up on trying to use the CS with waypoints and 3rd party apps and using Apple devices again.
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It's possible that your combination of the 'old' GO4 v4.3.16 on your CS does not 100% cooperate with your latest AC firmware (v01.00.0510)
According to the release notes, you need GO4 v4.3.24 minimum, because DJI 'optimized waypoints'. (as we speak, v4.3.37 (iOS) is the current one, so CS GO4 is a few versions behind)

You could try the Pilot app mission planner on your CS (pre-installed on your CS)
There is Litchi, which you could try also for a few bucks.

Personally, I had given up on trying to use the CS with waypoints and 3rd party apps and using Apple devices again.
Interesting what you say.... I had an MPP first which i got it Feb2020 and it was perfect with the CS. Then I bought a M2P a few weeks ago and I had nothing but trouble. Screen was pixelating, I tried to do waypoints and the Go4 app completely froze. The video wouldn't update when rotating and I even lost connection with the app at 500m with CLS. The controller connection was perfect. I was really losing faith in my CS to the point that I ordered an SC. I then spoke to a tech guy at Heliguy and he said do a factory reset. I did this and everything is perfect, no trouble with waypoints or hyperlapse waypoints and no more lost connections.
Is there a Mavic 2 pro waypoint flaw in programming? I have AC on 5.100, remote on 5.100, and a crystalsky 5.5 newest updates/firmware . setup waypoints , press go, set options "on loss of connection: continue" and "when done: return to home" when it gets to a place where connection is lost it does continue mission, my problem is when it receives the weakest signaling ( I'm still expecting it to go to next way point like I told it to when I uploaded the mission) my CS says "lost video return to home?”) and in yellow text says something like " can't continue in this flight mode" I've ignored it, and pressed no, nothing works, it sits there and hovers. Yet if I sent a mission where signal is lost completely with no chance of a weak signal thatll show get to the remote for a second it'll do all waypoints and return to home when done. Is this the fault of the AC, Remote, or CS? And has anyone figured out a way to fix this? If I have it set to continue if loss which , why am I being prompted for anything? And WTF is it sitting there hovering for? DJI will only say " thanks for bringing this up I'll send it to the technical department" one fix (a very bad one that does work) is to upload mission let it start to fly away and turn the remote off. Any other apps with waypoints/missions worth having? I haven't tried any yet and not sure how good they are.

Thank you.
Had a very similar experience with my Mavic 2 and GO4 app. Set to continue mission if signal lost and RTH after mission.
All waypoints were working fine even after the signal was lost, then the AC came back into range and the video showed it just hovering at that waypoint. It was over water and I didn't want to take any chances so I hit RTH. I was concerned that if the AC had decided to hover at a waypoint while out of RC range, I wouldn't know about it - hopefully the AC would RTH when the battery got too low, but why chance it?
I suspect it has something to do with losing and then regaining RC range. I'll try doing a reset, I'm using the latest firmware and GO4 version.
I'm wondering if turning off the RC after the mission has been established would work but don't think I have the nerve to try it except maybe on a very close range mission.
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I have found Android a fairly unstable OS especially under different companies wrappers. Then taking into account how complex the Go4 app is running many modules at the same time. Also I have found that issues are often associated with caches and updates. Windows is a classic example. So factory resets will usually replace corrupted files and clear troublesome caches.
Well, I did something risky and I won't do ever again. I set my Waypoints knowing that, because the trees and buildings, I will lose my signal. I programmed the WP to continue the mission if transmission is lost and when finish, RTH. That was the scariest 8 minutes of the day. Finally the drone return home and when I check the Micro Card recording, It flew soooo close to a communication tower. I was lucky, but at least the Waypoints worked.
Had a very similar experience with my Mavic 2 and GO4 app. Set to continue mission if signal lost and RTH after mission.
All waypoints were working fine even after the signal was lost, then the AC came back into range and the video showed it just hovering at that waypoint. It was over water and I didn't want to take any chances so I hit RTH. I was concerned that if the AC had decided to hover at a waypoint while out of RC range, I wouldn't know about it - hopefully the AC would RTH when the battery got too low, but why chance it?
I suspect it has something to do with losing and then regaining RC range. I'll try doing a reset, I'm using the latest firmware and GO4 version.
I'm wondering if turning off the RC after the mission has been established would work but don't think I have the nerve to try it except maybe on a very close range mission.

It is risky but it does work. First time I did it I used same mission it hovered from bad reception instead of continuing, (i did have car keys ready because i knew where it would be hovering if the remote trick didn't work. timed it completed and returned to home and I turned remote on when it was coming down to land. Now what I do is make a mission and check distance and time to complete, have a set of car keys ready in case out of range hover happens, start mission, start alarm count down for amount of time mission should take. When alarm countdown alarm beeps turn remote back on and its usually few hundred feet from home about to land. Never had to use keys and car to go get close enough to get in range to control a glitch hover because the remote trick does work. Just make sure that If timer beeps and an extra few minutes go by and its not naxk, get in a car and find it while its in the air hovering with battery still left. If it lands its gonna be a pain or impossible to find. I was nervous first time but it worked better than the remote on watching all these errors happen on my screen then watching a hover that shouldn't even be happening. I've never had a hover glitch again. I just wish DJI would update/fix problem.
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It is risky but it does work. First time I did it I used same mission it hovered from bad reception instead of continuing, (i did have car keys ready because i knew where it would be hovering if the remote trick didn't work. timed it completed and returned to home and I turned remote on when it was coming down to land. Now what I do is make a mission and check distance and time to complete, have a set of car keys ready in case out of range hover happens, start mission, start alarm count down for amount of time mission should take. When alarm countdown alarm beeps turn remote back on and its usually few hundred feet from home about to land. Never had to use keys and car to go get close enough to get in range to control a glitch hover because the remote trick does work. Just make sure that If timer beeps and an extra few minutes go by and its not naxk, get in a car and find it while its in the air hovering with battery still left. If it lands its gonna be a pain or impossible to find. I was nervous first time but it worked better than the remote on watching all these errors happen on my screen then watching a hover that shouldn't even be happening. I've never had a hover glitch again. I just wish DJI would update/fix problem.
That's good to know, thanks.
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