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Mavic 2 unexplainably stopping in mid-air


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2019
I have been flying a Mavic 2 Zoom with a DJI smart controller for over a year without any problems, but today I started experiencing an odd and concerning issue. While I was flying forward, every ~20 seconds the controller started beeping and a message appeared that said something like "release control stick to vertical position, then continue to fly". While it is beeping, the drone stops in mid-air. I release the stick, then I move it forward again and the drone flies normally for some 20 seconds, and then the whole thing happens again. Puzzled and concerned by this erratic behavior, I pressed RTH. The drone was maybe 800 ft away from me. It began its return to home, but while flying it would stop every ~20 seconds in mid air, the remote would beep, and then the drone would restart flying toward home, but stop again after ~20 seconds, and so on. Does anybody know what could be causing this behavior and what to do to fix it? Weather conditions were perfect, 75 F, hardly any wind (5 mph at ground level and drone was only 100 ft AGL), perfect visibility, sunny. I flew again after changing battery and rebooting the controller, and the same behavior occurred again. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me understand what might be going on.
I have been flying a Mavic 2 Zoom with a DJI smart controller for over a year without any problems, but today I started experiencing an odd and concerning issue. While I was flying forward, every ~20 seconds the controller started beeping and a message appeared that said something like "release control stick to vertical position, then continue to fly". While it is beeping, the drone stops in mid-air. I release the stick, then I move it forward again and the drone flies normally for some 20 seconds, and then the whole thing happens again. Puzzled and concerned by this erratic behavior, I pressed RTH. The drone was maybe 800 ft away from me. It began its return to home, but while flying it would stop every ~20 seconds in mid air, the remote would beep, and then the drone would restart flying toward home, but stop again after ~20 seconds, and so on. Does anybody know what could be causing this behavior and what to do to fix it? Weather conditions were perfect, 75 F, hardly any wind (5 mph at ground level and drone was only 100 ft AGL), perfect visibility, sunny. I flew again after changing battery and rebooting the controller, and the same behavior occurred again. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me understand what might be going on.
The usual reason for this behaviour is the drone recognising a low, bright sun as an obstacle and trying to avoid it.
Thanks for the quick reply! That would be great, as nothing would be wrong with my drone, but I am afraid something else (or additional) must be going on. During the last flight, as I was returning home, the sun had just set and I was flight east, so the sun could not have been the issue.
Thanks for the quick reply! That would be great, as nothing would be wrong with my drone, but I am afraid something else (or additional) must be going on. During the last flight, as I was returning home, the sun had just set and I was flight east, so the sun could not have been the issue.
Your flight data will confirm whether obstacle a avoidance was the issue.
The text file is all that's needed
Thanks, I will try that. Need to figure out how to do it, but I am sure I will find instructions somewhere on this forum.
I am having trouble finding the flight records. On my DJI smart controller I can see files under Storage>0>DJI>dpi.go.v4>FlightRecord, and from their titles they seem to include the records I am looking for. But if I select them, all I get is a blank white screen entitled HTML Viewer. I can also see flight record files under Storage>0>DJI>dpi.go.v4>FlightRecord>MCDatFlightRecords, but if I select those, I get a message 'Can't open file'. Am I looking in the wrong place? Or does it sound as though my flight records are not being properly recorded?
Thanks again, but I might be hopeless. I cannot follow these instructions. Step 2 tells me 'tap the “USB connected” message', but there is no such message on my screen.
I have been flying a Mavic 2 Zoom with a DJI smart controller for over a year without any problems, but today I started experiencing an odd and concerning issue. While I was flying forward, every ~20 seconds the controller started beeping and a message appeared that said something like "release control stick to vertical position, then continue to fly". While it is beeping, the drone stops in mid-air. I release the stick, then I move it forward again and the drone flies normally for some 20 seconds, and then the whole thing happens again. Puzzled and concerned by this erratic behavior, I pressed RTH. The drone was maybe 800 ft away from me. It began its return to home, but while flying it would stop every ~20 seconds in mid air, the remote would beep, and then the drone would restart flying toward home, but stop again after ~20 seconds, and so on. Does anybody know what could be causing this behavior and what to do to fix it? Weather conditions were perfect, 75 F, hardly any wind (5 mph at ground level and drone was only 100 ft AGL), perfect visibility, sunny. I flew again after changing battery and rebooting the controller, and the same behavior occurred again. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me understand what might be going on.
I and others have had this same problem at various times in the past -
To fix it you need to get the correct version of assistant 2 for your drone at the DJI Website and go through the instructions to recalibrate your vision sensors.
I did this and all problerms were solved, so hopefully the same solution will fix your problem - Let us know how you go!
Thanks, I will try that. I did do vision sensor calibration three or four times in the past, when I was prompted to do so, so I know how to do it. I am not sure why this time I was not prompted. But if it worked for you, it's definitely worth a try. The last time was several months ago. Thanks!
Thanks, I will try that. I did do vision sensor calibration three or four times in the past, when I was prompted to do so, so I know how to do it. I am not sure why this time I was not prompted. But if it worked for you, it's definitely worth a try. The last time was several months ago. Thanks!

I know it seem at time a tuff task

Where are my flight records.?
You can find them in a file
On you flight viewer....
iPad, phone, android Tablet,

how do I retrieve my flight records.?
If you must connect your viewer to a laptop/ computer through usb cable
( Android) turn on flight viewer

Click on my computer Icon on your laptop/ computer desktop.
Your flight viewer will look like an extra drive
( not “C”)....B...D....E...F....
If you do not see your viewer in this folder in your computer
You will have to go into setting on you viewer and select “ allow access” to view files from you viewer for your computer to see the viewer.

once your in .....look for DJI files
It should have many folders
Mine are labeled “flight flies”
open that folder up
Should have Dates on them look for the dates
You were at the time of the “ issue”

Hope this helps
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately when I connect my DJI Smart Controller with my MacBook Pro laptop, the laptop does not 'see' the extra drive. It 'sees' every other device that I connect to it (like my drone, backup disks, my camera, etc.), but it does not see the DJI Smart Controller.
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