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Mavic 3 Cine Fireworks

Totally cool... I am setting up to do something similar. Except I have to capture stills as well as video. I am setting up tomorrow to set a waypoint and verify line of sight. If we can see the drone at the target waypoint we are set. If not I'll do it from 1 click away.

So this was 1.5 clicks from the last event. EXIF is in the image, except it has been washed through an iPhone (unfortunately) but all the relevant data is still there..
I'll be super interested in your video settings. Please advise.
Thanks! Good idea scouting the site... I did the same today for another show on Tuesday. Knowing you have the first shot in frame is important! Knowing when the show starts, exactly, is good to know too. I've given all settings in previous posts. Good Luck! Hope you capture awesome images!
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Thanks! Good idea scouting the site... I did the same today for another show on Tuesday. Knowing you have the first shot in frame is important! Knowing when the show starts, exactly, is good to know too. I've given all settings in previous posts. Good Luck! Hope you capture awesome images!
Yeah, well it is going to be an adventure at least. I'm going to take @Justbrad settings and ideas and apply them to my flight plan. It should be pretty cool. He had notice from the pyrotechnic crew when they were ready to fire. We don't have that. We do have exact coordinates and trajectories. But there is the wind. And it will determine the outcome of the event, for sure.
Yup... good luck! I really wasn't totally bummed at first two failures. Gotta learn and get lucky sooner or later. Flying drones is an adventure in and of its self :)
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We all have "failures" . Learning from them is what it is all about. Night flying is an incredible opportunity. Practice and precision is an art and a science. Your video was really cool and inspired me. I have done mostly stills so far, but this year we will attempt to do some night vids, The pre-flight is most important to assure line of sight and to get the target lined up for success. I'll be using waypoints to position the drone if it works. (we will find out tomorrow night.) Thank you for your contribution. @Meta4 has demonstrated a keen ability to capture the scene at night. I am always watching and learning.

This is a great place to learn from others and apply it to our own practices.
Fly Safe and enjoy it!
First off, great job, it looks awesome!! 2nd, HAHA, this is exactly what I'm planning on the 4th with my Mavic 3 Classic. Same as you did, I plan on using Night Mode(my hands down favorite feature of the Mavic 3!). I was undecided on stills vs video, but I'm so impressed with Night mode, I'll just snag stills from the video.

Our county baseball team here in town does fireworks at the end of home games. I figured last night's show would be perfect opportunity for a practice run before the 4th. Unfortunately was in a restricted zone. By the time I got the DJI RC hotspotted to request clearance, the showing was over :(
To windy to set the waypoints today. I'll try again tomorrow morning before the wind arrives. Tomorrow is "the day" here. There are at least 20 events in town.. and now it is a matter of picking and choosing which deserve "battery time".
4th of July Yachats Oregon 2023
Used GIMP to compile a few shots together in a meager attempt to avoid uploading too many photos.
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