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Mavic Air vs. Mavic 2


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Hello all. So I had seen a similar discussion in the MP forum but wanted people's opinions about the MA. I am a previous MP owner and sold mine because I wanted a drone that was lighter weight since I'm an avid backpacker and like to bring my drone with me. I also really like the Higher bit rate, rear obstacle avoidance, and APAS. With the rumors I've seen, it seems like the M2 is going to be bigger, more expensive and weigh more.

With the "See the Bigger Picture" event being postponed, do you think I should wait for the pressumed M2 release or buy the MA FMC now? Is it worth to see if the extra features on the M2 are worth the wait and if the rumors about it being heavier/larger are true? Thoughts?

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Why not just wait for the new-product announcement(s)? They'll still need something in the MP price point range or they're conceding that market segment to the Autel Evo.
And they're not going to raise the price of the Mavic Air packages, so there's no harm in waiting I think.
"The best camera is the one you have on you"
A quote I frequently like to mention.

The Mavic 2 will undoubtedly be better in pretty much every aspect compared to the Air. It may have a higher bit rate, perhaps shoot 4K 60FPS, or maybe come with a 1 inch sensor. At a price of being likely bigger than the original Mavic Pro, and a lot more expensive than the Mavic Air FMC.

It's up to you really. If there's a hike coming up soon, and you are very satisfied with how the footage of the Air looks, just get it really. Nothing can compensate for the lost footage you could've otherwise shot.
If size is your main criteria, and you fly in remote areas with little interference, I'd just get the Air. You can fit both the Air and controller within the same spot the unit of the Pro itself would otherwise fit.

Some rumor that may be interesting is that the gimbal can be attached to a standalone controller. If you're planning a lot of ground shots then the MP2 could be interesting for you.

So in short, if you have time to wait it out, I guess you could. If you want a quad to film footage on a relatively short notice, just get the Air. It'll be weeks after the MP2 announcement until it actually becomes readily available.
"The best camera is the one you have on you"
A quote I frequently like to mention.

Some rumor that may be interesting is that the gimbal can be attached to a standalone controller. If you're planning a lot of ground shots then the MP2 could be interesting for you.

So in short, if you have time to wait it out, I guess you could. If you want a quad to film footage on a relatively short notice, just get the Air. It'll be weeks after the MP2 announcement until it actually becomes readily available.

I do agree and have heard that phrase many times. As far as the gimbal on the ground goes, it would be nice to go down to one system as I currently am running a gopro hero 4/5/6 on a Removu gimbal. I'm just wondering if I'm going to hate myself if I buy a MA FMC and then the M2 comes out a couple weeks later and is loads better than the MA and only a couple hundred dollars more. I wish I could get my hands on a MA now to see how it feels in the hand compared to what my previous MP was. I went to my local Best Buy and they didn't have any in stock.
How much time do you have until your next trip? If you are really on the fence, and have a few more weeks to wait it out, then there's no issue in waiting for the MP2's details to arise. You can bet it's going to be a lot more awesome than the Air most likely. However, none of that tech is of any use of course if you cannot properly stow away the quad due to its size.
Since you already have a gimbal, I wouldn't worry about it too much due to that quote mentioned earlier.

I actually wanted to buy a MP myself until I got surprised by the announcement of the Air. It still took nearly 2 months though before I could buy it here locally in the Netherlands.

Just try to make a list of what features you prioritize more than others. Do you need small size? do you need 4K 60FPS? do you need 360 degrees obstacle avoidance? (assuming the rumors are true of course) is an impeccable transmission signal paramount?
Even though the MP2 is probably going to be fantastic, remember that a lot of features are more gimmicks than necessities.
FWIW, I never had to use obstacle avoidance on my Air and have it disabled a lot of times. Hand gestures are fun to show to friends and family, but for the serious videographer/photographer, they are of little use.
Automated flight modes are a great addition. There may be a few new ones coming up. But coming to think of it, I still fly mostly manually. And if you really want automated control, perhaps Litchi could be of use as well.
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Comes down to what you want, the Air currently has the best footage/bitrate of any of the 'mini' drones simple as that, the 2 is going to replace the Pro, so expect that price point/size and is not designed to replace the Air. You will probably get better shooting profiles (Although D-Cinelike is fine for a Log format in the Air).

The Air will always be considered the 'baby brother' to the Pro / 2, but in all honesty in most cases, the Air shoots better footage than the Pro currently, and tends to be easier to travel with and takes less room/weight

But you might find if you can wait then the Pro prices will come down, so that's an option, the Air probably wont move much (as DJI are infamous for not competing with themselves, even though they are)

So it's down to you, I'll look at the 2 when it comes out, but I'm perfectly happy with the Air, and like it a lot more than my Phantom 3, that may be diff if I had a 4 (anything other than the basic 4 at least), but I don't miss the flight time, just means shot setup time is reduced is all, but the modes and intelligence make up for them for the most part.
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How much time do you have until your next trip? If you are really on the fence, and have a few more weeks to wait it out, then there's no issue in waiting for the MP2's details to arise. You can bet it's going to be a lot more awesome than the Air most likely. However, none of that tech is of any use of course if you cannot properly stow away the quad due to its size.

My next trip that I want it for is the first week in August. Going up to northern Wisconsin and plan to get some shots while I'm out there. The rumored features of the 2 seem pretty rad.
But most of the times that I would want to take it with me, I'd want a lightweight platform that shoots 4k (all my other cameras shoot in 4k). As an advid backpacker, I try to shed pounds wherever possible and the mavic pro was more weight than I wanted but and the mavic 2 is probably going to weigh the same if not more.

Since you already have a gimbal, I wouldn't worry about it too much due to that quote mentioned earlier.

I'm also thinking about possibly trading in a digital camera that I have for to get a discount on either the GoPro Fusion (-$150) or the GoPro Hero 6 (-$50). But if the Mavic 2 comes with a removable camera that you can put onto a gimbal, I'd be tempted not to buy the air or the GoPro but go to one platform for both (kind of like the failed Karma).

Just try to make a list of what features you prioritize more than others. Do you need small size? do you need 4K 60FPS? do you need 360 degrees obstacle avoidance? (assuming the rumors are true of course) is an impeccable transmission signal paramount?

Small size is pretty important.
All my current camera platforms shoot at 4k@30fps unless I get the GoPro Hero 6. In my time filming, I've noticed that shooting moving shots in 4k looks a lot smoother at 60fps while static shots of other things moving looks smoother at 30fps. iow, I'd rather shoot a moving shot at a lower resolution with a higher frame rate unless my camera is static.
A lot of the shots that I get might be flown around trees and and in the woods so to have the more obstacle avoidance, the better. I would like to think they APAS would be enough but is full 360° coverage that the M2 might have be better? To put it on perspective, ever since having crashed my P3A with only bottom obstacle avoidance, I have been a lot more cautious (even with the MP).

Even though the MP2 is probably going to be fantastic, remember that a lot of features are more gimmicks than necessities.
FWIW, I never had to use obstacle avoidance on my Air and have it disabled a lot of times. Hand gestures are fun to show to friends and family, but for the serious videographer/photographer, they are of little use.
Automated flight modes are a great addition. There may be a few new ones coming up. But coming to think of it, I still fly mostly manually. And if you really want automated control, perhaps Litchi could be of use as well.

I kinda like the gimmick features because it allows me to put up the quad quickly, get a shot, and move on. I also have litchi and have even purchases all of the Phantom Filmschools to get the most out of the program.

That being said, I'm interested to see if I buy the MA for my vacation coming up if the M2 comes out shortly after and all the reasons why I wanted to wait and buy the M2 are true...?
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I am a previous MP owner and sold mine because I wanted a drone that was lighter weight since I'm an avid backpacker and like to bring my drone with me. I also really like the Higher bit rate, rear obstacle avoidance, and APAS. With the rumors I've seen, it seems like the M2 is going to be bigger, more expensive and weigh more.

It sorta sounds like you already know which one is going to be best for you. It's very unlikely a Mavic Pro 2 is going to be any smaller or lighter than the drone you've already owned and given up on as it didn't meet your requirements. If anything, it sounds like you want a theoretical Mavic Air 2, not a Mavic Pro 2.

And honestly I wouldn't put *too* much stock in the Mavic 2 rumours (at least not to the point where you're using them to justify purchases, that just leads to disappointment). From what I can tell, the vast majority of them are pure speculation based on analysis of one or two photos. For all we know these were prototypes that won't have the same feature set as the production model.

Maybe see if you can hire a Mavic Air for your next trip rather than buying one, that'd let you see if it meets your requirements while still letting you wait for the next produce announcement. It's not something I have any experience with myself, but I know companies exist that offer this service.
Well, I ended up deciding to go with my gut and get the Red DJI Mavic Air. It arrives on Friday and I'll be getting care refresh, insurance, and registering it. Looking forward to flying it!

Congrats on your purchase! You can't get footage from a drone that isn't even out yet :) I think you made the right decision and it's easy enough to grab the Mavic 2 down the road if you decide to.
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So I just got my Air a few days ago and it was able to finally fly it yesterday. I purchased the Mavic Air Fly More Combo from Amazon and it came with a couple of extra accessories not usually included with the FMC. They included prop bags for the extra props. When I bought my Pro last year, I also bought extra DJI props separately from DJI and they came with those DJI bags. The MA FMC came with the extra props but not the bags so that's a nice addition. It also came with a landing pad which I already had so nbd there. But they also included some clip on landing gear that can be used in conjunction with the prop guards so that is pretty sweet! Also came with a 2 battery compartment LiPo bag.

A few pros and cons I noticed off the back:

- The Red Mavic looks amazing!!! I was really worried that I wasn't going to like the color but was really pleased I went with the red. (It matches my Motorcycle)
- The smart capture mode (flying your Air like Darth Vader) is really cool!!!! I thought this was going to be kinda gimmicky but after playing with it, I could see it coming in handy.
- Asteroid is really sweet!!! It's nice that the app edits it all together for you with all you have to do is press "Go".
- I have a lot more piece of mind with the APAS. I tested it out with a building at work and it seamlessly flew right over it. Also, both the forward and backward facing sensors worked flawlessly.
- I'm glad the they created/included a one piece gimbal cover/lock with the drone. With the MP, DJI includes 2 separate pieces and I had to buy an aftermarket piece separately. Something small, but something to note nonetheless.

- I can definitely notice the decrease in flight time from my Mavic Pro. It's not a deal breaker, but let's just say that I'm glad I bought the MA FMC; and with my previous Mavic Pro, I was just limited to 2 total batteries.
- It's noticably louder than the pro. I never bought the Mavic Pro low noise props (I will never know in person how quiet the MP could have gotten), but the Pro was definitely quieter and the Air sounds like your typical Drone. Again, not a deal breaker but something to take note of.
- You have to wait some time for your batteries to cool before recharging them. I used both the regular charger and the hub to charge them and was wondering why they weren't charging. I looked at the code for flashing yellow light on the hub in the manual and found out why. Idk if this was a thing or not with my Pro but I thought I remember being able to charge one battery right after I finished flying and swap it out with my extra battery.

All in all, I'm definitely glad I decided to pull the trigger on the Red color because it looks badass and am excited to see where my adventures will bring me! I think the smaller form factor and less weight is going to help on my future trips as all I really need with my for short encounters is the drone and my phone.

(One other thing I wanted to note was how well DJI does of packing everything and labeling what goes where. It is really awesome that they take the time to really engineer their products and think of everything, even if it is the small things.)
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Congrats on getting your MA! I'm sure you'll love it. :) Even only for its size.

I just returned from a trip to the south of France. On a couple occasions where I'd visit a town with a potentially cool landmark nearby, I'd pop the MA with the controller in a tiny shoulder bag. No one would ever notice I was carrying a drone with me. Like hoped, I got a few moments where I could spontaneously take it out and make a few cool shots. The fact that you can get it airborne in 1,5 minutes makes a world of difference when you are considering on whether or not to take a shot. The ease of use is probably the best feature of it all.

By the time the Mavic 2 releases, I'm sure you'll already have gigabytes of awesome shots taken. No cool feature of the M2 could ever make up for that. ;)

Just remember, in case the M2 turns out to fit your needs a lot better, you can always sell the MA with a slight loss you could've never rented one from.

Btw, I actually found a slight plus side on the noise the MA makes. I flew the quad around near our camp site a couple times where occasionally at some point an interested bystander would walk up to me to see what I was flying. Sooner or later in the chat, privacy always gets mentioned. I always make sure to answer them before they can even ask, by saying "oh, a lot of people have concerns nowadays with drones invading their privacy, but think of this, if one were to spy on someone, I'm sure they'd get a DLSR zoom lens instead of an airborne grassmower" and then I point at the quad. This was always met with laughter because the MA is so obnoxious. :p
Congratulations on your "red" MA, my favorite. I continue to enjoy my flight times. I am particular about not invading personal space and have not encountered problems. I now have 6 batteries, enough for an afternoon of flying. Very happy with this product. Form factor, quality of build, etc. Enjoy your safe flying.
I was in the same boat as you, but I actually had the Phantom 4. Loved the controls, battery life, capabilities, camera etc, but anytime I wanted to go anywhere with it, I basically had to lug around a carry-on size suitcase with me.

I got the MA earlier this year and never looked back. Now when I go for a hike, backpacking trip or bike outing, I just throw it in my cargo shorts pocket and the controller in the other one and away I go. Would not trade it for 2 MPs!
Congrats on the air :)

I love mine, and have even sold my Phantom, as never got used, the air is just so much easier. I go the black one, but it's now skinned up in blue :)

As for noise, I don't think it's actually any louder per-se, but it is a higher pitch, so sounds it as the noise is sharper.

Enjoy, and fly safe :)
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Well, after having watched the press release today for the MP2 and M2Z, I am glad that I decided to purchase the MA. I agree that the these drones are much better than the og MP, but for a simple vlogger, I don't need all those fancy features that they provide. The MA is more than enough for someone who needs a lighter weight smaller platform for a activities that I do where weight matters such as Rock Climbing and Backpacking. All in all, I now know that I made the right decision to purchase the MA FMC and look forward to see what DJI will have in the future with a MA2. I am also really happy with their new trade in program as it will help to get the new drones at a cheaper price. While being about to trade in the drone that I had been using. What are everyone's opinions?
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Well, after having watched the press release today for the MP2 and M2Z, I am glad that I decided to purchase the MA. I agree that the these drones are much better than the og MP, but for a simple vlogger, I don't need all those fancy features that they provide. The MA is more than enough for someone who needs a lighter weight smaller platform for a activities that I do where weight matters such as Rock Climbing and Backpacking. All in all, I now know that I made the right decision to purchase the MA FMC and look forward to see what DJI will have in the future with a MA2. I am also really happy with their new trade in program as it will help to get the new drones at a cheaper price. While being about to trade in the drone that I had been using. What are everyone's opinions?

Agreed! While I would LOVE to have the Zoom and it's epic to see the Hasselblad name out there again, I bought the Air because quite frankly, it's my first drone and anything else is above my skill set.
Especially the two beauties they released today.

Tonight my wife and I are going to walk over to New York and hang out at a carnival. I'll have the MA in the FMC bag and maybe I can put it up to get some pics.

For those getting the new Mavics, CONGRATULATIONS!
I look forward to seeing some stunning images come out of them!
Safe flying!

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