I live in Class D airspace, and have to go through this every time I want to fly near home. Go to DJI.com/flysafe/self-unlock
. You will need to login to your DJI account, or establish one so they know who you are. This site brings up a map, and you scroll to the area with your airport and click on the blue pin and it will show you a box that should say something like “authorization zone unlock available”. Click that and more input opens up. Enter your Flight Controller serial number. The date defaults to today’s date. ( They used to offer a three day unlocking, but now it’s only one day. ) don’t forget to select your aircraft type at the top of the screen, as it’s easy to miss. Click proceed or whatever, and it will ask you for a verification type. I use mobile phone, give them the number (although since I’m logged in they should know it, and then you’ll also have to tell them where you’re located - again, I’m logged in, they should know I am from USA). You will get a text with a 6 digit code. Enter that on the website and you’re authorized to fly. But your aircraft and remote don’t know that yet. I use a
smart controller, and it may be different if you use the regular controller and a phone. But I start the controller at home, and I guess over WiFi the authorization is transferred to the controller. When the aircraft is started up, you will get the red “Cannot take off” warning in the upper left of the Go4 app. Tap the three little dots in the top right corner, then the three dots at the bottom to bring up the General Settings. You should see “Unlocking License” as a choice. Click the right arrow on the right to bring up the “Unlocking License list”. Here you should see “App”in blue, but “aircraft” in white. There’s a blue box to click which says (next to today’s license) “Import to aircraft”. Click that, and hopefully it changes to “Import successful.” And you should be ready to fly.
Now, I just went through all the steps as if I was going to fly to make sure I got them all correct and in order. But I still have a “cannot take off” notice in the app. It may be because I’m right at the edge of the presidential exclusion zone in the VIP TFR through tomorrow. But it allowed me to fly yesterday, so I’m not sure what I’m missing here. Please let me know if this works for you. I am within 30 miles but in a small cutout of the circle, so not inside the exclusion zone. Frustrated...
Ok, just noticed that the aircraft license was still showing an old license, and described it as expired, even though I had refreshed it. So I did it again and got a pop up box in which I had to acknowledge that I was authorized to fly and take responsibility for my flight. Click those, and now I’m ready to take off. Of course, I still have to inform the tower that I’m flying. Yesterday I asked for 200 feet altitude and the controller wanted me to stay below 100, so I did.