I had to pull up a Pro to see what the controller looks like and the best I can guess is that the Air and Pro are pretty much the same stick set up.
My Futaba 10CAP that I use for all 9 of my RC aircraft is in mode 2 which is standard for the US. Not everyone uses 2 in the US but most do.
The left stick is throttle in up/down movement. The engine (I use gas) throttles up when the stick is pushed up and throttles down when pulled back. Left and right movement control the rudder, yawing the aircraft left or right. On the Air that stick in the up position causes the Air to climb and in the down position to descend. With this in mind the controls on the Air in just those movements are not true Mode 2 for fixed wing RC aircraft. In retrospect I guess you could say it is throttling it up and down in those movements.
Example: If I push the left stick forward on my Spitfire the engine accelerates and as I move down the runway I pull the right stick back, the plane climbs off of the runway. To bank the plane left in the pattern I move the right stick to the left (left aileron) and the left stick (rudder) slightly left to give the plane a controlled turn with rudder. If your Mavic is sitting on the ground you give it left stick to power up and to climb-no right stick is used. If you give it back right stick during this operation the Mavic will likely flip backwards into the ground.
Bottom line to all of this (sorry) is that trying to fly the Mavic (whatever) in true mode 2 is not possible they way it is set up. I either need to change the controller or try to get my flying brain to work for two different controllers and two different types of aircraft.
I catch myself pulling back on the right stick to make the Air climb when I really need to pull back on the left stick. Perhaps had I flown helos instead of fixed wing it would be closer as that may actually be mode 2 for helos but it is not for fixed and is confusing, for me at least.
I had to edit this because as I wrote it I began to understand the similarities but there are still enough differences to make it confusing, to me at least, and I can be confused easily sometimes