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Mavic Pro Crash Issue when taking off


May 16, 2017
Si i got my mavic pro two weeks ago, and i have flown it about ten time no issues whatsoever. But today i went ahead and turned it on to show it to my friends i placed the drone in the ground facing me, turned on the controller and connected to the drone, i then hit take off button, the drone took off and everything seemed normal but when it reached about 5ft of height it started heading backwards (away from me) and since it was getting close to a wall behind it i went ahead and clicked forward and it did respond but after i let go the joystick i started going backaward again, at this point i got nervous and did not know how to controll it until it dis hit the wall and fell into my pool... now i have a wet drone dont know what to do. Anyone have had similar issue?!
For starters make sure to calibrate your RC, IMU AND COMPASS.
If i read your statement correct - you took off with it facing you ? Might that be the problem, that the forward sensors was picking you up as a obsticale, and tried to move away. If so, you always need to take of facing away from you, with nothing in front for the sensors to kick in.
If i read your statement correct - you took off with it facing you ? Might that be the problem, that the forward sensors was picking you up as a obsticale, and tried to move away. If so, you always need to take of facing away from you, with nothing in front for the sensors to kick in.
Yep. What he said. I'm betting that's all it was. You need to thoroughly dry it off - and pray. Maybe a bag of rice or a bath in isopropyl alcohol first. Look up how to save a drone after it gets wet. Sorry! Bummer.
Almost certainly was obstacle avoidance sensors in the front of the drone detecting something and pushing back.

Did you take the battery out right away? You can try the bag of rice or possibly one of those electronic drying stations some Walmarts and malls have. Whatever you do, do not attempt to turn it on anytime soon.
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Yes i thought the obstacle avoidance may have been the cause of it, however it went backwards about 5 feet from where i was standing and after he kept going backwards i went ahead and turned it around to try to control it better but it was too late. In my opinion it was disoriented, I did not calibrate it or anything before flying it. So maybe that was the cause. I do have the DJI Refresh so i will be submiting my claim. Thanks a lot you guys!
Almost certainly was obstacle avoidance sensors in the front of the drone detecting something and pushing back.

Did you take the battery out right away? You can try the bag of rice or possibly one of those electronic drying stations some Walmarts and malls have. Whatever you do, do not attempt to turn it on anytime soon.
I did take the battery off right away. And when i took it away the drone still had the lights on.
I don't believe obstacle avoidance allows the MP to fly in reverse, it just senses an object in front of it and stops right? So I doubt it was OA.
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